Windows Programming - August 2015 (Page 3)

linkedlist with filestream
how can i put a file stream into linked list.. and then if i pick from the list i can edit and delete.. i dont have codes.. pls help me
[no replies]
why winuser.h getting error when using on CLR Class Library?
0 down vote favorite i try to create CLR Class library like this #include "Stdafx.h" #include "Image.h" #include <msclr\marshal_cppstd.h> namespace...
[no replies]
Trouble Changing File Associations
I have some input files with .spv extensions (something I made up). I also have an app I created which reads these input files. I am having difficulty making Wi...
[2 replies] Last: > Do you want to do this manually or write the code to have your progr... (by mikerox33)
Read txt file
Hi everyone, I have txt file with 3 columns (3.1, 3.2, 3.3) and 2048 rows. I want to read code in order to: 1. read txt file and write in the new txt file 2....
[1 reply] : I think you forgot to tell us the problem you're having :) (by Avilius)
How do you make a game server or make a multiplayer game.
I've been searching all over the web on how to make your game be multiplayer or how to make a server. And when you make the server how do you give it DDOS prote...
[2 replies] Last: And when you make the server how do you give it DDOS protection? This... (by Avilius)
how get child controls?
i'm doing a class for get the child controls: class ChildWindows { private: vector<HWND> HwndChildWindows; BOOL EnumWindowsMethod( HWND hWnd ) ...
[1 reply] : i did a mistake here: EnumChildWindows(parent, EnumChildProc, 0); i... (by Cambalinho)
win32 - how can i set the button parent?
heres my SetParent(): void setParent(HWND parent=WindowMain) { static WNDCLASS ButtonClass; if (hwnd==NULL) { H...
[1 reply] : the code is correct. except the 'else': else { if... (by Cambalinho)
win32 - how can i add 1 flag to messagebox return value?
the messagebox() returns a number between 1 and 11. my own messagebox have the checkbox. it returns the standard messagebox values. but if i need use another v...
[4 replies] Last: sorry, if is another name. like think more keywords for be diferent th... (by Cambalinho)
by meenus
How to manage -TCP Port With huge data
Hi all, Advance Thanks Pls help me with your suggestions.My question below. I developed a socket application in server 2008 R2 machine for receiving ve...
[no replies]
how can i use a pen, on paint program, without broken the line?
heres my code for draw a line when i do mouse down: a.Paint= (HDC ImageWindow) { static image imgtest2(a.width, a.height); //imgtest....
[no replies]
Cholesky Decomposition in C++
I have a source code to compute Cholesky Decomposition in C++. But I can get true result. Thank for editing for me. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> ...
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Calling a help function from a windows program
Several years ago I wrote a Windows program that ran under XP. It has an extensive set of help topics, but it uses the old windows help format. I want to update...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, codewalker. This was exactly what I was looking for. (by Randy1936)
by Rudys
capture an image
Hello, How to make in c++ to capture an image, which could be on windows?
[3 replies] Last: (by Homberto)
How to statically link pdcurses
Hello there, So I was wondering how I could statically link pdcurses. Currently on another computer I am getting an error that it could not find pdcurses.dll. ...
[no replies]
Find the cause of Windows Freeze
I have written a C++ program which will use DirectX to play video on Windows environment. The situation is that my clients using my program to play video, an...
[4 replies] Last: @ OP: First read and avoid this (by Computergeek01)
C# invoke method
Hey guys, I am stuck with a issue and need some help. I have a application w/ a listview each item having a check box. With a checked box checked, I would li...
[5 replies] Last: You can try this code: private void CreateMyListView() { // Cre... (by camycent)
String Assignment not working for C++ DLL - Urgent!
Hi Guys - I'm literally pulling my hair out over this one. I'm having an issue with string assignment in my unmanaged C++ code. Everything works fine without...
[2 replies] Last: A) Your code is rather difficult to read as it's unformatted. Could yo... (by andywestken)
Bool statement not working, PLEASE HELP!! PROJECT DUE 8/5/15
Hey guys i need help on my project. So everything runs smoothly until the user inputs a different answer other than the ones asked for (the choices are a-i). So...
[1 reply] : Please, use source code tags to make your source code easier to read a... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by yj1214
Would you recommend win32 api over other libraries?
I have been using GUI/Multimedia libraries quiet a bit now and I want to move onto something that is more challenging and very OS related. Here are my questi...
[7 replies] Last: from Charles Petzold, "Programming Windows", Fifth Edition ... Wind... (by freddie1)
Audio live streaming
I am recording my voice using mic. I have used waveIn() and waveOut() function for this purpose. When I start recording using waveInStart() function, it first c...
[1 reply] : You have to use multiple threads for capturing and playback at the sam... (by plexus)
August 2015 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [jul2015] [sep2015]

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