Windows Programming - August 2015 (Page 2)

Making a program using COM in windows (1,2,3)
I am trying to make a program using COM. #include <windows.h> #include <Objbase.h> #include <Unknwn.h> using namespace std; int main(){ CLSID ClassID; CoIn...
[41 replies] Last: Here would be the Output.txt debug log file created by a run of the ab... (by freddie1)
DirectX Initialization Null Pointer Error
Hi. I've been following's DirectX 11 tutorials and he puts all of his code into one file, but I've been separating it into separate files for e...
[no replies]
how use address operator on a class constructor?
my class menu have a constructor: Menu(string caption, Menu *submenu=NULL, HWND MainHWND=WindowMain, bool systmenu=false) how can i convert the submenu to a...
[10 replies] Last: Menu(string caption, HMENU systemmenu, HWND window=ActivatedForm) M... (by Cambalinho)
C++ AMP parallel_for how to define pointer complex to real
I have a section of C++ AMP code which I have been expanding to handle multiple fft windows into GPU and perform multiple fft transforms on the data and then tr...
[1 reply] : all_out_array = transformed_array .real; std::complex::real is a f... (by htirwin)
draw in an other window than the ones handled by our program
Alright. I have a feeling i am asking a bit too much for this second topic, but if anyone has any lead on how to do this.. i couldnt be more grateful if you de...
[no replies]
make a blue windows button.. stay down
Hello, at first it looked easy, and that only line seemed enought ""BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | BS_PUSHLIKE". but.. obviously, i want my button to be blue. so afte...
[no replies]
SFML Timer and vector elements in stack elements
Hello I want use timer in my SFML application , i need use random method after several seconds how can i do that? The Second Question I have objects C...
[no replies]
New window api and database via C++
I am creating a windows application(not console application). I have made a window and added menu options to it. I use Dev-c++. I want to connect to the databas...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for suggesting @freddie1. Actually I am a newbie. I use Postg... (by SdHuma45)
ComboBoxEx move Focus
I am creating an application using WINAPI. I need to use ComboBoxEx. So I used the CreateWindowEx API function and then applied sub-classing for this ComboBox. ...
[4 replies] Last: I found the mistake. It is in line 20 in the above code. I am setting ... (by ahbazzi)
can i add 1 window to another?
i have 2 windows with WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW style. can i put 1 inside another one like MDI?
[2 replies] Last: i can change the extended style for WS_EX_MDICHILD. but i can see some... (by Cambalinho)
how use vectors with constructor?
i have these class constructor: form( const form &forminstance) { setParent(GetParent(forminstance.hwnd)); height=forminsta...
[3 replies] Last: resolved with these code: ~form() { if(hwnd!=NULL... (by Cambalinho)
how do a calculation for scroolbars?
we have the window size. we can add a child control to a position more big than size. i can calculate that size. so now i have 2 RECT's: RECT window; RECT ch...
[18 replies] Last: thanks for all (by Cambalinho)
by PacR
How keyword this work inside event?
I have a button click event and i want keyword this point to button1 while inside button1_MouseClick event , but instead this points to my main form. Is there...
[1 reply] : user sender (by tath)
FMOD in Code::Blocks
hey i'm using Code::Blocks and i download FMOD library so i can play music and sound in my program. i tried to install it in Code::Blocks but it wont work. iv...
[1 reply] : Do you use Visual Studio compiler inside Code::Blocks ? Because that'... (by modoran)
how close a window using the SendMessage()?
i have a class destroctur: ~form() { if(IsWindowVisible(hwnd)==TRUE) FormCount=FormCount-1; DestroyCursor(...
[1 reply] : Use EndTask if you want, this is what Task Manager uses for example: h... (by modoran)
by Atton
Loading Dlls
I wrote this little bit of code to read functions from a dll without header files. However it is dirty and ugly does anyone have a better way of doing this. If ...
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Read inside Network Card
Dear All, I would like to know if it's possible to read inside a Mac Card of a machine connected in a network. I would like to enter in the Network Card ...
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Networking and using a website
I have a question. I want to make a c++ application that creates a variable to store the time, and then run that through a website that converts unix to standar...
[1 reply] : You could always write an http server that served some html + the time... (by nchambers)
Connecting Static library to my project
I have a question, and I have tried searching for the answer but none of it makes sense and most of it is outdated. Anyway, can someone explain how to link a ...
[8 replies] Last: Well yea the library has a .cpp and a .h the .h has the declarations a... (by Ameji72)
Unable to code profile for the particular DLL which has been instrumented.
Hi Team, I have instrumented my project DLL using the below commands in VS 2012 Step 1: Open VS2012 x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt Step 2: Go to...
[no replies]
August 2015 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [jul2015] [sep2015]

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