Windows Programming - August 2011 (Page 6)

Unicode Box Drawing chars
Hi, i have a simple question: in a Win32 console application, how do you get Unicode characters? What about box drawing characters? Thanks.
[6 replies] Last: Just had a look at the CRT code. _setmode() is not calling SetConsole... (by andywestken)
data from address
Hi, I am up with a small question. It would be helpful if anyone could provide me with apt solution. Problem: I know the address say 0xddfb4f08 and i want ...
[12 replies] Last: have you considered injecting a dll ( and ... (by Kiana)
Microsoft Visual C++ wont run applications
Hi all, Having a rather strange issue with Microsoft Visual C++ (.Net Express 2008). Basically, I updated a program I've been working on, but when I run the ap...
[13 replies] Last: Yeah. Ive tried rebooting and using a different computer (in case it w... (by Hibblejaybob)
Can anyone offer any advice on CMutex (M.F.C.).
Hi, I've been trying to implement the CMutex class in my own code. I have a method that refreshes a CListCtrl object. This is done as a thread as not to ...
[3 replies] Last: Out of interest, is your list control costly to refresh because it tak... (by andywestken)
by Skirox
Please Help!
Hello! I'm developing a C program, mixed with C++, but what is wrong with this code (C-code, made with Pelles C): #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /* #defi...
[3 replies] Last: @andywestken : Good catch Andy: I have been out of Windows program... (by kooth)
GetExitCodeProcess returns random values?
Hi Gurus, I just don't seem to be able to figure this out. I wrote some program which spawns a child process with redirected input/output which is used to e...
[3 replies] Last: :-) I do usually close the thread handle immediately after a Create... (by andywestken)
Auto-resizing a text box object with the main window
I am currently working on writing a Notepad clone from scratch. I have a good base set up, but I am having trouble figuring out how to get the text box object t...
[10 replies] Last: Sounds like you need to close the case statement in braces (a variable... (by andywestken)
Qt Windows and multiplatform programming GUI libs
Right now at my job we are starting a new project and we are in search for new libraries that allow more easily conversion ( I know there is no such thing, but ...
[2 replies] Last: Hi thanks for the help! We usually interface hardware, we communicate ... (by closed account N85iE3v7)
Microsoft VB 2010 Express
Werent all versions of VB proprietary software that one would have to fork out sums of cash to use? If so, why would Microsoft release VB 2010 for free? Just se...
[10 replies] Last: [quote=sohguanh]Visual C++ with MFC framework but even with that, the ... (by lnk2019)
VC++ 2008 and Ultragrid 2.0
Hai, We have a VC++ application [Acrobat plug-in] where we are using Ultragrid 2.0(a third party tool from infragistics] for displaying data. ...
[2 replies] Last: thank you, I want to reframe my question now. I have an applicat... (by palaksha)
by Phiru
I am looking for an API which can...
Hi. I am working on a project that senses files modified or added on C:\. My way is that first, scan files on pc(by using filefind class) and save all of the ...
[2 replies] Last: But if you only need to support Windows 2000 onwards, you could use ... (by andywestken)
Preventing the Resize of a Window
Hi everybody: I have a CLI form, and while its constructor method I do a resize of that window (It shows 2 pictures and the Window will be selbst resize to sho...
[1 reply] : Just give the form a fixed border. (by webJose)
Code Review Please (1,2)
I just want someone to read over my code below and review it. Tell me their thoughts. This is my first time really messing with Windows API programming. I have ...
[36 replies] Last: I mark all variable that have a fixed value as const. This allows the ... (by andywestken)
Accessing the IDE/ATA/ATAPI bus
Hey! I am writing a program to send custom ATA commands directly to drives on the IDE/ATA/ATAPI bus. I have found extensive documentation on scanning the SCSI b...
[1 reply] : Hail from Finland! Just updating this incase anyone comes across this... (by zippyking)
Dectecting ListView keypress or click
Hi, I'm trying to detect when the user press some key or click over the LV i was trying with this: SetWindowLongPtr(hwndlv, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)&lvproc); ...
[1 reply] : Sorry, i just solved it adding in the new procedure this: return Ca... (by naderST)
How do I make an icon a part of my project? I am using VS 2010. I know how to load and icon from a file but I would like it to be built into the exe.
[6 replies] Last: Thanks, it helped me a lot. (by mistures)
Issue with send mail program
Hi to all. I got a code in C++ to send E-Mail form program. I executed the code and it is wrkng fine. At last it showing confirmation as "your message has b...
[1 reply] : Please use code tags :) (by TheMassiveChipmunk)
problem with using SDL
ok so i am using Dev C++ to do all my programming stuff and i decided to try out SDL for it but i cant seem to get it to work here is what i got #include...
[3 replies] Last: also this is weird #include <"SDL/SDL.h"> (by blackcoder41)
Display an Icon and Text in a Window
I am new to Windows programming and need some help with a simple task(?!) How do I display a folder, with icon and name in a window?
[6 replies] Last: Cool! I have a TX2, too! But so far I've only played with the touch... (by andywestken)
by Troy
C++ and DLL's
Ok, I have a DLL I found on the internet. The only documentation is How would I call those functions? I'm trying to make a bot...
[3 replies] Last: You could also load the DLL into your application with "LoadLibrary()"... (by Computergeek01)
August 2011 Pages: 1... 4567
  Archived months: [jul2011] [sep2011]

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