Assigning CMYK values into a pixel

Hi, I'm working on a project that manipulating images pixel by pixel with C# forms. Now the turn is color space convertions. We extracted the values out of an RGB image as CMYK but can't add them into a pixel. Because natively C# is not supporting it.

Is there a C++ library that we can give the CMYK values and it gives the pixel or the image? So we can import it to our program.

If there's a easier way, we can do it too. But extracting CMYK values and assigning it again is a must. Our teacher wants this way.

Thanks for your helps.
I think implementing the conversion between the RGB and CMYK color models yourself shouldn't be too hard.

After a quick Google search, if found this:
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I think implementing the conversion between the RGB and CMYK color models yourself shouldn't be too hard.

After a quick Google search, I found this:

Yeah, we're converting the colors with success. Also, I found a way to assign CYMK values to a pixel too but I realize this is not what we want because the colors remain the same with a change. Actually, we want what photoshop does when you change the color mode to CYMK. And it's not what we did.
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