User: bydrachen

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User profile: bydrachen

User info
User name:bydrachen
Number of posts:57
Latest posts:

Assigning CMYK values into a pixel
[quote]I think implementing the conversion between the RGB and CMYK color models yourself shouldn't ...

Assigning CMYK values into a pixel
Hi, I'm working on a project that manipulating images pixel by pixel with C# forms. Now the turn is ...

Finding Vector(includes objects) Element's Index by Element
I found a solution like this and it's working with this example [code] #include <vector> #include <...

Finding Vector(includes objects) Element's Index by Element
I'm trying to find the index of a vector element. Vector includes class objects. But I can't find a ...

Segmentation Fault by Using Vectors
I think your site doesn't have this HTTPS certificate. That's why chrome says the site is not secure...

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