I'm implementing a game loop in `c++` using the `timeGetTime` function like below:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
// ...
DWORD oldtime = 0, newtime = 0, delta = 0;
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) {
if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) {
delta = newtime - oldtime;
while (delta >= MS_PER_UPDATE) {
delta -= MS_PER_UPDATE;
// ...
I know that the value returned by the `timeGetTime` function wraps around to 0 every 2^32 milliseconds, which is about 49.71 days as the official doc says. So is it possible (however, it is very unlikely) that the delta will be a negative number (when the `newtime` will pass the "magic" 2^32 milliseconds barrier). Lets take for an example VERY unlikely but theoretically possible case:
> `newtime` == 304(dec)
> `oldtime` == 0x7FFFF82F (2147481647 dec)
when the game is running longer then these 49.71 days. We'll get:
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delta = 304(dec) - 2147481647(dec) == -2147481343(dec signed!);
while (-2147481343 >= MS_PER_UPDATE) {...}
So there is of course a resulting a negative numer (`-2147481343`) so on the fiest look it won't work here. BUT the compiler will make here an implicit conversion from signed to unsigned resulting in:
while (2147485952 >= MS_PER_UPDATE) {...}
and finally the code WILL work! (thanks to this implicit conversion)
And here is my question. Is it ok/safe to let the code be simple like that and just rely on the implicit conversion made automatically OR maybe I have to take care of the "wrap around" problem myself doing some extra checking/coding?
If I cannot count on that automatically implicit conversion is it a good solution to just change the operand order when there is about to be an negative delta like below?:
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if(newtime < oldtime)
delta = oldtime - newtime