by marhuum
To clean up all Linux orphan links
[3 replies] Last: Some distros provide Linux file utility: symlinks Title =sym... (by keskiverto)
by sizy458
Product dll with gcc
[1 reply] : I would suggest to use code blocks in both cases. That would make it e... (by coder777)
by EmanCS
array of timespec handling
[3 replies] Last: Is it better to use double or long double Just use double. Dependin... (by Ganado)
C++ development in a Linux Terminal? |
[3 replies] Last: Well, at least this repost wasn't a really bad knowledge topic for oth... (by deleted account xyzzy)
how to iterate table in C++ and Mysql |
[no replies]
myqsl_real_connect returns 0 |
[1 reply] : You should know this by now... (by salem c)