glm/c++/OpenGl library path

Oct 27, 2021 at 3:26pm
closed account (Nwb4iNh0)
Is really storing the libraries in /usr/local/include is same as saving it in
/usr/include path like glm library for C++
Last edited on Nov 1, 2021 at 11:55am
Oct 28, 2021 at 6:50am
/usr/include is where all the things your 'OS provider' would put things either during the initial installation, or via whatever package manager you use to install other libraries that are supported up-stream.

/usr/local/include is where you would put things for anything you either compile yourself from source, or you obtain from other 3rd party sources.

If both are in your compiler search paths, it makes no difference.
Oct 29, 2021 at 8:45am
If both are in your compiler search paths, it makes no difference.

On your own projects you can add entries to compiler search paths.
Therefore, everything you compile yourself / 3rd party can be in your directories.

If there are multiple accounts using the computer and they should all have access to (unmanaged 3rd party) content, then placing that content into /usr/local would make sense.
Oct 31, 2021 at 11:08am
It depends on the system.

Some Linux distros, like Ubuntu and Arch store their base system and additional packages in /usr. There is no /usr/local.

On BSD and many Unix systems, the "base system" is part of the OS. These are installed in /usr, but third party packages are installed in /usr/local so they're distinct.

Once upon a time, disk space was rare and expensive. /usr was often mounted from a larger host and shared. Thus the "base system" would be on /usr. Over time, workstations began to get larger local disks, and parts of it would get mounted under /usr/local. So /usr was remote and /usr/local was a local disk. Thus you could install whatever you wanted locally without affecting anyone else.

These days, you can get a 1Tb ssd for your phone. Disk space isn't rare, if not inexpensive. Most Linux systems install /usr locally, so there's no apparent need for /usr/local from that point of view.

It's worth noting that many 3rd party packages still set PREFIX=/usr/local by default, despite targetting Linux.
Last edited on Oct 31, 2021 at 11:10am
Nov 1, 2021 at 11:59am
closed account (Nwb4iNh0)
im using debian and when I install any library it goes by defulat to /usr/lib not /usr/local! and always get errors
<ex.h> so such file or directory !
Nov 1, 2021 at 6:17pm
Libraries are probably packaged into two packages.
One has the *.so binary that dynamic linker seeks when an executable program loads.
Other (name has -dev ?) has the headers for the library that are needed when something is compiled and linked to use the library.
Nov 2, 2021 at 2:04am
when I install any library it goes by defulat to /usr/lib not /usr/local! and always get error
Can you give examples of these errors, with real error messages generated by the tools.

It's impossible to work out what's going on without seeing the details of what you've done and what errors are returned.
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