I'm doing some asynchronous asset loading for a game, and I'm stumped by what seems completely weird to me. I have a root folder for the project with a makefile, a src/ directory for all the c/c++ source, and an asset/ directory for all the assets that are loaded this way. The executable is built to and run from this root directory. In my understanding, as long as I run from the root directory (where both the executable and "assets/" are), then it should be fine to load a file directly from assets (i.e. load_mesh("assets/obj/model.obj")), but it can't find the files this way. The only way I'm able to load these files are if I do load_mesh("../assets/obj/model.obj)", in other words, I can only load a file from a path relative to the SOURCE file where the loading code is, and not my current working directory. Any ideas?
I don't think so, but it does in turn call an asset import library which does the actual opening of the file. So I did a quick test, and did this in main:
1 2 3 4
FILE *fp = fopen("./assets/audio/sound.ogg", "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
printf("failed to open file\n");
And this too fails, whereas FILE *fp = fopen("../assets/audio/sound.ogg", "r"); works just fine. I've ever seen this before!
> getcwd() returns the expected directory, the root of the project, where the binary and /assets are.
> And this too fails, whereas FILE *fp = fopen("../assets/audio/sound.ogg", "r"); works just fine.
One of these things doesn't make any sense.
You can't at the same time claim getcwd() is pointing to a directory containing "assets" and then go onto claim you need "../assets" in a relative path just to open a file.
That's exactly what's so weird! The only way the loading works is if I use "../assets", and not "assets/". I'm really at a loss :P There must be something stupid I've overseen. I'll do some more debugging tomorrow and see.
Hehe, I'm really worried there must be some stupid oversight somewhere :) I'm on macOS catalina, and using fish shell, any chance that could be the source of any weirdness?
OK, confusion pt II: I know that getcwd returned the expected directory before, but when I run it now it returns the same directory PLUS "/resources". So the path issue makes sense now. But why does getcwd not report the directory I'm running the program from??
EDIT: In other words, getcwd != pwd
EDIT 2: OK, the reason why getcwd showed something different now than before is probably the order I ran things in. If getcwd is the first thing that happens, it shows the correct directory, and my simple file opening test works. BUT if I do it after creating my OpenGL context (using GLFW), it has changed to the /resources directory...
OK, it turns out it's a macos-specific caveat of "glfwInit()" that I had overlooked.
From their docs:
macOS: This function will change the current directory of the application to the Contents/Resources subdirectory of the application's bundle, if present. This can be disabled with the GLFW_COCOA_CHDIR_RESOURCES init hint.