I am a begenner who has started coding on linux from windows. I use eclipse ide, and i remember when i used it in the past ihad issues with the linux compiler not working due to a missing g++ linker i think. Now that i've decided to try and learn c++ again, i see there are multiple types of projects. which do i use? My options are C managed build, Audrino c++ sketc, cMake, meson QtCpp/qml, or Makefile project. I want to learn some basic coding through a c++ pong tutorial.
Also out of curiosity, which type of c++ is used with games? i can do sprites in non-c++ and was intrested on what i should learn for gaming, thanks!
Here are quotes from the two posts that helped the poster in that thread:
I am also running Ubuntu 12.04 and the same Eclipse version (Indigo). I was finally able to resolve the problem by restarting Eclipse using the -clean argument (sudo eclipse -clean). Hope this helps
Try this:
Create a new Workspace and than create the C or C++ Hello World example to test the installation.
If Eclipse does not ask for a workspace because you have selected "Use this workspace as the default and do not ask again" than delete the setting file within your Eclipse installation and after you have done that start Eclipse again:
If this is OK, create a new C/C++ project within a new workspace and than copy your source files from the old workspace (from the hard disk) into the new workspace. You could use the drag and drop feature of Eclipse (you could drag and drop files and folders from the hard disk directly into the "Project Explorer" within Eclipse).