Anyway, Ubuntu is good starting place, move to Debian later(preferably Sid). Don't listen to madmen talking about installing gentoo - I have been using Linux for over 2 years as a normal user, and after I was confident in it, I moved on to installing gentoo. It's very hard to me - a user who has some experience in Linux. For you, it would be nightmare, and after few days of sitting in console and wondering why nothing's working, you'd just give up on linux completely.
Ubuntu or Debian for starters, then you might want to try some more advanced distros when you feel that you need it or/and are ready for it.
You might alternatively try some debian remix - I'd recommend Crunchbang with Sid(I somewhat explained how to do that for Jessie in my blog post at ;but doing that for Sid is almost the same.
To sum things up, you should go full-time Linux user, but don't make it too easy, nor too hard for yourself. You don't want distro that will mimic windows, since it's pointless; grab some nice Linux and force yourself to use it whenever you can; soon you'll learn that it increases your productivity, and after few months you will regret that you didn't switch earlier.