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Can I run graphics.h in the graphics card?

Jul 26, 2020 at 8:04pm
I noticed you can select "Run application in graphics card" in windows, so what if I made a graphics.h program and ran it in the graphics card. I would like to know why this would/wouldn't work and all the reasons its a bad idea.
Jul 26, 2020 at 11:13pm
I have no idea what you are asking.
you can do parallel processing on a graphics card for certain types of math / science. That works on high end cards that have a lot of horsepower mostly; I am unaware whether you can do a low end 'for learning' version on a low end card / on the MB graphics / etc. You can stack several cards on one system.

the name of your file is not important. You need a library that talks to the graphics card this way, to make it do what you want. Its a good idea if you have a problem that can use the approach or want to learn. Its a bad idea if your graphics card needs to be doing graphics for your program as well -- that is, a high end game won't use the GC to compute stuff, because it needs the GC to do the graphics :P

graphics.h is the name of a dos era graphics library and you may confuse people talking about it or using that name. We get a lot of people still asking about it in spite of its 30 year age.
Last edited on Jul 26, 2020 at 11:14pm
Jul 27, 2020 at 2:18am
I noticed you can select "Run application in graphics card" in windows
What are you talking about? Is this a new feature?
Jul 27, 2020 at 2:19am
I believe you mean "Run with graphics processor" in the right-click context menu on Windows? It's a Nvidia driver (or AMD equivalent, I assume) option.

If I remember correctly from my old laptop, the premise is that some processor chips often have an integrated, but lower-power graphics card built into it. But if you also have a dedicated graphics card, you can use that option to force the program to run with your dedicated GPU instead of your integrated GPU.

So for example, having an OpenGL 3.x context wasn't possible on my laptop's integrated card, but was possible with the Nvidia card.

I'm with jonnin in that I don't know what this has to do with graphics.h, an old dos library. But regardless, a dedicated graphics card should support everything the integrated graphics card can do, plus more.
Last edited on Jul 27, 2020 at 2:25am
Jul 27, 2020 at 3:20pm
I thought he was talking about 'cuda' -- parallel processing on the hardware, number crunching. https://developer.nvidia.com/how-to-cuda-c-cpp
Jul 27, 2020 at 4:21pm
@OP: please, clarify the question.

Ganado's guess sounds plausible. It is very typical for some laptops to have two GPU's; relatively weak IGP in the CPU and stronger discrete GPU. The default is to use IGP. That produces less heat and consumes less power (battery). However, for the heavier graphics one wants to use the discrete GPU.

I do believe that OS X does this automatically.
I've seen NVidia's Optimus used in Linux. See https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Bumblebee

Thing is, the application either uses one GPU for graphics, or another GPU for graphics. There is nothing special, as far as the program is conserned. The OS allocates some hardware for the process.

jonnin did mention GPGPU (General Purpose computing in GPU). OpenCL and NVidia's CUDA are frameworks to generate code for compute operations that will execute in GPU, rather than in CPU. (PhysX was such as well.) All algorithms do not fit into GPUs, at all or not with benefit.

Thing is, application has to be specifically written to do GPGPU. If Windows offers "option", then either the application already has necessary features, or the option is not about GPGPU.
Jul 28, 2020 at 4:08am
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