Subjective Styles Questionnaire!

Dec 24, 2017 at 7:28pm
I know there's no "correct" answer to this, so please don't interpret this as an argument.

I'm just wondering how you fellow forum-goers say/write some of the more-subjective parts of programming.

• How do you pronounce "char"? "shar" (like shard of glass), "char" (like charred wood), "car" (like automobile), or "care" (like caring for a baby, or the beginning of character)?
• Do you prefer "S-Q-L" or "sequel"?
• Do you use tabs or spaces? (Oh boy, please don't argue about this, I'm just genuinely curious.)
• Do you prefer to put the opening brace on its own line, or on the same line as the function signature?
• If you have a job related to programming, does your work use tabs or spaces?
• What do you set your tab/space indent length to? 2 characters? 4? 8?
• What is your favorite IDE/editor (Visual Studio, vim, emacs, notepad++, etc.)?
• What is your favorite version control software, if any?
• If you have a job related to programming, what version control system does your work have?
• is PNG "ping" or "P-N-G"?
• is GIF /d͡ʒɪf/ (like jiffy) or /ɡɪf/ (like gift)

Edit: from other users:
• how do you pronounce "doge"? (helios)

I think that's it. If you don't want to answer the 2x work-related ones, please feel free not to. I'm just curious.
Last edited on Dec 24, 2017 at 8:49pm
Dec 24, 2017 at 8:20pm
* "Char".
* "S-Q-L".
* Tabs.
* Same line.
* There is no company policy. Whoever starts a project sets the style for that project, and anyone who joins the project follows that style.
* 4.
* Visual Studio for C++ and C#. Notepad++ for most other things.
* Git with Git Extensions.
* Git.
* "P-N-G".
* "Jiff". "Gif" like "gift".

I will also add one, since it's somewhat related to my job: how do you pronounce "doge"?
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017 at 2:56am
Dec 24, 2017 at 11:14pm
* First syllable of "character".
* "S-Q-L".
* Spaces.
* Same line.
* Don't have a job programming.
* 2 spaces.
* Emacs. I've been using the Spacemacs configuration for about a year now: .
* Git.
* Don't have a job programming.
* "P-N-G".
* /ɡɪf/.
Last edited on Dec 24, 2017 at 11:43pm
Dec 24, 2017 at 11:34pm
The idea of assigning a word to an acronym is something I suspect is an Americanism (at least originally ) which I don't buy into. So for me it's S-Q-L not Sequel. The thing about this is that one has to be told what it means, I just find it as being another level of obfuscation.

Here's a question: What is a C-Shark file? A: it's a .cshrc file aka C shell resource file, a C shell (csh) is one of a number of shell's available in Linux/ UNIX environment, as in Bourne shell (sh) ; Bourne again shell (bash); Z shell (zsh); Technical C shell (tcsh); Korn shell (ksh). The thing about the C shells is they have C like syntax: no more fi or esac ; instead there is if and case

A long time ago during a phone conversation, the other guy referred to an E-Knee file. I wondered what was he was on about? When he spelt out I-N-I , I asked him why he didn't do that in the first place?

I use spaces, because when various sites and software implicitly convert tabs to spaces, the number they use varies. This site seems to use 8 spaces per tab, so even if your IDE is configured to use 4, it will still be 8 when posted here, so there is often excessive indenting.

Opening brace on the same line for me. But that is just a personal preference. I gather that when editing files in a project with multiple coders, one is supposed to stick with whatever is there already. One reason for this is to not produce massive diff files for the version control.

I use a variety of editors, Eclipse IDE, KWrite, gedit, sometimes even unadulterated vi. The good thing about KWrite is that it is aware of the syntax for all kinds of programming and scripting languages: everything from assembler to bash scripts to various C++ like languages to Haskell, more than 100 different ones I guess.

For me git seems the best for version control.
Dec 25, 2017 at 12:12am
* "char" (like charred wood) also "see out", "see in", standard not stud etc.
* "S-Q-L" also, QT = cutie, not cute; MATE = mate not 'ma-tay' etc. though XFCE did became x-face in my brain, heh
* tabs, 4 characters indent, also use tabs in jobs i did
* nowadays opening brace on the same line - actually used and liked both
* editors: paid jobs - Visual Studio; home machine - CodeBlocks, vim/gvim
* subversion (because that's what the big boss man wanted to use)
* P-N-G, jiff, also jay-peg

IMO there are no rules, and so, when interacting with non-geeks/normies just be prepared for anything

Dec 25, 2017 at 5:57am
A long time ago during a phone conversation, the other guy referred to an E-Knee file. I wondered what was he was on about? When he spelt out I-N-I , I asked him why he didn't do that in the first place?
I actually do say "E-knee". My policy is that if it's trivially pronounceable without having to add extraneous letters, then I pronounce it as I see it, ignoring the etymology. To myself I always pronounce "Mingw" as "min-goo".

I wish more people understood what I mean when I say the massively efficient "bang", instead of the train wreck that is "exclamation sign", or even worse in Spanish, "signo de exclamación".
Dec 25, 2017 at 6:25am
• "char" (like charred wood)
• "S-Q-L"
• spaces
• on its own line
• not a professional programmer
• 3 spaces
• THE (The Hessling Editor), tailored to work like IBM XEDIT, in windows (command window); vim in unix
• don't use (embarassing!)
• not a professional programmer
• "P-N-G"
• like gift

Brilliant questionnaire, BTW; hope there's a grand analysis at the end.
Last edited on Dec 25, 2017 at 8:50am
Dec 26, 2017 at 1:29am
• How do you pronounce "char"?
Like the beginning of "character"
• Do you prefer "S-Q-L" or "sequel"?
• Do you use tabs or spaces?
• Do you prefer to put the opening brace on its own line, or on the same line as the function signature?
Same line
• If you have a job related to programming, does your work use tabs or spaces?
• What do you set your tab/space indent length to?
• What is your favorite IDE/editor?
Visual Studio for C#, Visual Studio Code or Notepad++ for just about everything else, unless I am in bash in which case I usually use vim
• What is your favorite version control software, if any?
git, but I have never really tried anything else in earnest so this question isn't very meaningful
• If you have a job related to programming, what version control system does your work have?
Originally TFS, but a few months after I joined we switched to git
• is PNG "ping" or "P-N-G"?
Either; I've used both
• is GIF /d͡ʒɪf/ (like jiffy) or /ɡɪf/ (like gift)?
/ɡɪf/ (like gift)

Edit: from other users:
• how do you pronounce "doge"? (helios)
My initial inclination is /dəʊgI/ or /dəʊgeɪ/ (intending "doh-geh" and "doh-gay", but I had to look up IPA, so I may have used the wrong symbols here)
Dec 29, 2017 at 2:21pm
• How do you pronounce "char"? the beginning of character.
• Do you prefer "S-Q-L" or "sequel"? Either.
• Do you use tabs or spaces? Use tabs in editor. Converted to spaces on upload to host.
• Do you prefer to put the opening brace on its own line, or on the same line as the function signature? Next line, vertically aligned with closing brace.
• If you have a job related to programming, does your work use tabs or spaces? Edit locally with tabs. Upload to host with spaces. Only spaces on the host.
• What do you set your tab/space indent length to? 4.
• What is your favorite IDE/editor (Visual Studio, vim, emacs, notepad++, etc.)? VS
• What is your favorite version control software, if any? Proprietary.
• If you have a job related to programming, what version control system does your work have?
• is PNG "ping" or "P-N-G"? P-N-G
• is GIF like gift
Dec 29, 2017 at 6:05pm
• How do you pronounce "char"?
  the beginning of character.

• Do you prefer "S-Q-L" or "sequel"?
  Either, but "sequel" comes out of my mouth when I don't have to explain what SQL is.

• Do you use tabs or spaces?
  Tabs are evil.

• Do you prefer to put the opening brace on its own line, or on the same line as the function signature?
  Own line.

• If you have a job related to programming, does your work use tabs or spaces?

• What do you set your tab/space indent length to? 2 characters? 4? 8?

• What is your favorite IDE/editor (Visual Studio, vim, emacs, notepad++, etc.)?
  Delphi5 IDE/Notepad++.

• What is your favorite version control software, if any?

• If you have a job related to programming, what version control system does your work have?

• is PNG "ping" or "P-N-G"?

• is GIF /d͡ʒɪf/ (like jiffy) or /ɡɪf/ (like gift)
  Like the peanut butter. (

• how do you pronounce "doge"? (helios)
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