quitting smoking

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Easiest way to quit: never to start.

I never saw the appeal to smoking in the first place. Stinky, expensive, and bad for you.


I did quit caffeine though. I was drinking like 3 liters of Mountain Dew a day for years. Then I realized what a high strung tweaker I was and decided to quit cold turkey.

It was easier than I thought it would be.

I still intake a lot of sugar, though. But hey, one mountain at a time.
I started eating a lot of fast food a while ago when my government decided that school food had to be healthy. My school seems to have interpreted that as "inedible," so I stopped having lunch at school. I wasn't eating from 6:30pm to 5pm the next day, except for a chocolate bar and (rarely) breakfast. So I started getting fast food literally every day... Recently I started limiting myself to 3 per week, including weekends, holidays, etc. so I don't get fat, and once I leave school that'll become 1 per week. I don't think it's an addiction, because I often find that I don't want fast food. I'm a victim of circumstance! </melodramatic>

I also drink more carbonated drinks than is good for me. Not as many as 3 litres per day; maybe a can of Pepsi and a can of Dr Pepper most days in a week, but it still can't be good...

one mountain at a time

Your pun is bad and you should feel bad :O
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I didn't even realize there was a pun there.

Now I do feel bad =(
It should get easier once it's out of your system. In the mean time, you need to distract yourself from the addiction... find a healthier activity when you have an urge. For example, work out, or do some coding (coding may not help as it drives some to smoke). In any case you should remind yourself just how much $$ you've lost on this nasty habit.

I'm quitting cold turkey for my health and religion

I dread your answer to this... but I must ask... exactly what religious doctrine has forced you to quit?
Smoking also has a fairly Pavlovian set of triggers associated with it.

You need to get yourself some very strong cinnamon-flavored toothpaste. When you first wake up, you have to go brush your teeth with it -- so that the entire flavor in your mouth is changed and the conditioned "bell" that says "I have to smoke" is not triggered.

Likewise, you need some strong-flavored gum or something (not food!) that you can use after eating in public or the like so that you can turn off the "smoke now!" bells after eating, etc.

Hope this helps.
All I can say is that I wish you luck; smoking is just horrible for the person doing it and the people around them. Being a high school student I can't really say that I have any experience with smoking, nor do I intend on getting any first hand.
Being a high school student I can't really say that I have any experience with smoking

I had peers who were smokers as early as Middle school.

You really don't have any smoker friends in high school? Where do you live?
I bet that people in my school smoke pot, but I'm a straight and narrow student myself. I'm in a cruddy school with a superb enriched program (Toronto). My peers are all civilized and intelligent. Rest of the school... there are some that are on par with us and the rest are questionable.
Of course this is coming from a person who's been living in an isolated-culture education of tightly sealed peer circles for the past six years.
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Must... suppress... urge... to flame...
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foobarbaz wrote:
Preach preach preach preach preach!


Subtract the i... that's what I think of this "Moroni."
Oh good lord... this was the answer I expected... and so it begins.

I know for a certainty, and very strongly that you won't discourage me from what I believe and live. I can testify of the holy spirit, for I know what it is to be without, and the desire to give that spirit to others in the form of charity, good works, and spreading the message of our savior. I am a very humble christian. In Moroni chapter 8 we learn that Christ "...came into the world not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance; the whole need no physician, but they that are sick"

Sorry to disappoint, but indeed I will discourage you from the Mormon church. Mormonism is not Christianity. The references to Christ are a front allowing the organization to mingle with Christian theology and confuse the average citizen.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Thank god I'm an atheist.
Hey, you're back!
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
I actually made an experiment. I smoked for two months and tried to quit. I had no addiction and quit immediately. Maybe it's a biased test...
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