quitting smoking

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I thought the religion bashing was uncalled for as well.

Can't we all just get along?
I try to be long-suffering I have no patience right now with people trashing my religion

Religion? For a long time Mormonism was considered a cult. It's like saying Scientology is a religion. Come on...

I know that I should try and convince you to my religion, but close-minded individuals are shut off from God and the truth.

lol oh really? That's all it takes?

I thought the religion bashing was uncalled for as well. Can't we all just get along?

I wish we could... but it'll never happen.
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Avoiding flames and trolls on the Internet:
Religion (may also apply to politics):
Q: What is your religion?
Proper answer: {<insert the name of your religion here, in as few words as possible>|<no answer at all>}
Improper answer: <insert a several paragraphs tirade, including quotes from scripture and leaders, mentions of religious characters, or just about anything implying your religion is "truer">
Proper answer to eventual flames: <no answer at all>
Improper answer to eventual flames: <play the victim>
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Religion? For a long time Mormonism was considered a cult.

I still don't understand the difference between an organized religion and a cult, honestly. The only explanation I ever heard was that it's determined by the number of followers.

So I guess when a cult gets large enough, it graduates into a relgion? *shrug*

If someone could give me a more clear distinction, I'd appreciate it.

That said, I don't particularly care what other people believe as long as they don't drag me into it, or start pushing their corrupted sense of morals onto the masses. And I don't particuarly find one brand of faith to be any more/less arbitrary than any other.
But the proper answers are far less entertaining than the improper answers.
jRaskell: True, but the title is "avoiding flames and trolls", not "how to troll".

come to my ward
meet the people
listen to our words
I get my recommended daily dose of crazy from the Internet, thank you very much.
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jRaskell: True, but the title is "avoiding flames and trolls", not "how to troll".

There you go being all logical and constructive again. ;) Curiously, I find myself in a somewhat dichotomous state with the knowledge that the trolls will, of course, not listen to a word of your logic. It is somewhat comforting while at the same time a bit disturbing.
but I invite you to come to my ward and meet the people, listen to our words, and then tell me we aren't christians.

lol no I'll pass. With my luck I'll visit your ward on the day they're serving the poison punch!

I still don't understand the difference between an organized religion and a cult, honestly. The only explanation I ever heard was that it's determined by the number of followers.

So I guess when a cult gets large enough, it graduates into a relgion? *shrug*

The only reason a cult graduates to a religion is for political reasons. You can't insult a group that is moving out of minority status if you want their votes. As far as what is considered a religion, realistically there are only a handful of them and they are all very old systems of belief. Mainly Christian, Judaism, & Muslim to name the more prominent ones.

There are TWO distinct elements of a belief system that immediately black lists it as a cult, however there are others.

1. The organization isolates you from the outside world both physically and mentally. This is necessary to brainwash the individual.
2. "Salvation" is only attainable by works or some sort of obligation to the organization.

So foobarbaz, explain to me what makes a mormon a Christian? Jehovah's witness also claim to be Christian....
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There you go being all logical and constructive again.
Well, you can read my addendum, if that makes you feel better.
1. The organization isolates you from the outside world both physically and mentally. This is necessary to brainwash the individual.
2. "Salvation" is only attainable by works or some sort of obligation to the organization.

For a minute there, I thought you were describing the internet.
For a minute there, I thought you were describing the internet.

As far as I can tell, he just described every religious organization out there.
As far as I can tell, he just described every religious organization out there.
As far as I can tell, he just described every religious organization out there.

lol No I didn't. Christianity for example has neither element.
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Christianity requires you worship Jesus in order to obtain salvation. Some would even say you have to attend church, as well.
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Christianity requires you worship Jesus in order to obtain salvation. Some would even say you have to attend church, as well.

Church is not a prerequisite to salvation in Christianity and technically not even necessary. The only principle that applies to salvation is rebirth and forgiveness of sins through Jesus.

No isolation, no salvation through works or organizational obligation (financial, etc...)

@foobarbaz... you sound like a crazy zealot and are unfortunately the reason people avoid religion all together, specifically Christianity.
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Mormonism: When Christianity isn't screwed up enough for you, and you're too poor for Scientology.
Christianity requires belief. It is the same fundamental requirement of every religion and is an obligation to the organization that must be met if you desire salvation. (You clearly cannot be forgiven your sins if you do not believe).
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