quitting smoking

Pages: 123456
Yes it requires belief, as is the case with every religion obviously. There is no obligation to the church however. The church and the organized religion itself have nothing to do with Christ Himself, but of course man institutionalized it and wrapped all sorts of nonsense into the mix. A person can be a born again Christian and not attend a church at all. The obligation is only to Christ.
@foobarbaz... you sound like a crazy zealot and are unfortunately the reason people avoid religion all together, specifically Christianity.

closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Religion itself is a primitive idea of how humans are to die and live. I believe that it was made to control people themselves as those who noticed the corruption in what we call today as society. As we grew, we became smarter and I believe that we should have grown out of the idea or religion. The idea of God was so obviously made by Man himself that I find it embarrassing to even begin to worship such a being (or even consider it). I don't live for a being that will not show itself and is to blame for the destruction in every corner of my world nor will I allow it to be forced upon me. The belief itself has caused chaos with many other religions such as Muslim, etc. It's pathetic that this is still taking place as of today.

*sits in a chair on his porch with a shotgun, waiting for the next Christian representative to try and convert him.
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I should try and convince you to my religion

You're making me like you less and less.

close-minded individuals are shut off from God and the truth

I don't think god exists, but I think there could be a god of sorts. According to superstring theory (IIRC), the tenth dimension represents every single possible outcome of everything in every universe everywhere, i.e. "all possibilities are contained in the tenth dimension"*

So (I think) a 10th dimensional being (that is, one which can perceive the tenth dimension (in the same way we perceive the third)) of enough intelligence would be able to influence those outcomes; aka godmode.

At any rate, it's more closed-minded to say "NO GOD IS REAL K AND I HAVE TO CONVERT YOU" than it is to say "I don't believe in god." The former is opinion stated as fact, and the latter is fact.

*A couple of extremely interesting videos (IMO):**
Imagining the Tenth Dimension part 1 of 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkxieS-6WuA
Imagining the Tenth Dimension part 2 of 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySBaYMESb8o

I love Physics.

** You might find it interesting to note that it was a Catholic friend of mine who told me about these videos. So I don't hate all religious people; just the annoying ones who consistently talk about how their religion is perfect and like they're some kind of enlightened people. Religion has been going out of fashion ever since it was concepted, and it only started to explain the inexplicable. Now that the inexplicable is being explained (various theorems***); there's less and less need for religion. Eventually Science will replace it. I hope so, anyway; that will get people like you off my back.

*** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M-theory

Good luck with your smoking problem, but can we keep the religion out of this? You seem a good natured guy, and I'd hate to, uh, hate you; but the preachy attitude really gets to me.

Yes it requires belief, as is the case with every religion obviously. There is no obligation to the church however. The church and the organized religion itself have nothing to do with Christ Himself, but of course man institutionalized it and wrapped all sorts of nonsense into the mix. A person can be a born again Christian and not attend a church at all. The obligation is only to Christ.

The Church (before there were denominations like Catholocism, Anglicanism, Protestantism, etc. and it was just "The Church" or "Christianity") used to require tithes of all of Christendom.
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Return 0 wrote:
Yes it requires belief, as is the case with every religion obviously

I don't think it's a requirement of some eastern religions.

I'm still a little unclear on some of them, but some like Zen Buddhism aren't about worshipping a diety like most western religions are. They're more about finding inner peace and happiness. You don't have to devote your soul or praise anyone other than yourself.

Buddha isn't a diety like Jesus, God, Odin, etc are. He's just like a role model.

Faiths like that I actually respect since they focus more on helping people find happiness rather than giving them completely arbitrary and pointless guidelines to live by (Onoes can't eat meat on Friday! Better not do any work on the Sabbath!)

Although often even they are stretched too far (Monks living in isolation and taking vows of silence and whatnot).

EDIT: on the subject of Buddha... I always thought this was hilarious:


Return 0 wrote:
The obligation is only to Christ

Doesn't that count? Isn't Christ a part of, nay, the foundation of the organization?

chrisname wrote:
aka godmode.

Whether or not what you said made any sense no longer matters. Now that you've referred to it as "godmode" makes me think your belief system is stupid.

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Without a big bang there would be no universe of possibilities to draw the line, but I see how we're stuck in the third dimension.

The big bang only occurred in our universe*. The laws of Physics in other universes are completely different (I used to think we had gotten them wrong because then Bees shouldn't be able to fly; but apparently they fly by moving their wings in a figure-of-eight, which gives them extra thrust); as those videos specifically stated. Do you know what the phenomenon known as Red Shift is?** It's caused by our universe expanding. In another universe (one that is contracting) you would get blue shift.***

*Well, actually, it may or may not have happened in every universe. It might not have occurred in ours. It is just a theory, after all.

Whether or not what you said made any sense no longer matters. Now that you've referred to it as "godmode" makes me think your belief system is stupid.

What, so a single joke to make reading a wall-of-text a little more interesting devoids everything I said? I hope that xD was targeted at me, to show you're joking, or I might have to take back that increment operation. Shame it was atomic, or I could have interrupted it halfway through.
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Yeah it was a joke chrisname.

To be honest I didn't really read most of what you said so I can't say whether or not I agree with any particular part of it.
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Fair enough. I thought it might be.
foobarbaz wrote:
But I do find interest in metaphysics and opening my mind to learning new things.

Here's what I never understood.

Doesn't faith close your mind to learning new things?

I mean if you accept things on faith, then you no longer seek for answers because you already perceive them to be answered. If something comes up that contradicts what you believe, you will dismiss it because it conflicts with your faith. Therefore your mind is biased and closed to it.

The classic example is Darwinism vs. Christianity. All archeological and natually observable evidence suggests Darwin got it right, yet Evolution is still considered a controversial topic because it clashes with mainstream religion. People are refusing to accept a new idea (and by "new" I mean "over 100 years old") for no intelligable reason.

That's actually my biggest complaint with Chistianity/Catholicism at large. The weight they carry and how they anchor societal progression.
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PROTIP: Evolution is not controversial anywhere outside the US (and inside, only in a few states, AFAIK).
I'll paraphrase the last pope: "Screw the Genesis."
I'm agnostic. For what point is there to arguing two opinions as though they are law when there is no way to prove one or the other wrong either way.

To Religious people: Prove to me there is a god.
To Atheist People: Prove to me that there isn't.

I guess I could go with my best friend's philosophy on religion and life...He call's it Apathy. He doesn't give a shit :P
It's theoretical Physics. Metaphysics is different.

Agreed. Besides that, most of the people who say evolution is a "lie" are people who don't understand it, because they never learnt it, because it conflicted with their religion. That's just ignorant.
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Sorry I skipped through the whole thing, but I got bored half-way through.

Must... suppress... urge... to flame...

T.T What about me why don't you suppress flaming me?

What is the difference between your religon and Christianity?
What do you mean? I don't believe I ever flamed you
Would you say you ever flamed me? I wouldn't; I have a feeling a lot of your comments towards me are satirical. Actually, I find you funny.
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