General C++ Programming - September 2024

unresolved external symbol "int const value"
One file states: extern const int value; extern const int this_cpp; const int mine = value; const int yours = 40; and another cpp states co...
[1 reply] : Your other.cpp file also needs to say extern, otherwise it's taken to ... (by salem c)
How to improve my C/C++ posts to CplusPlus forum
I would like to know how to increase the enjoyment and benefit of my posts to the readers of the CplusPLus forum. May I have your input on the following impro...
[3 replies] Last: This isn't like a certain well known site where they delete your ques... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by stav
A class that supports taking ownership and not
I'm writing a Parser class. It takes 1 argument in its constructor which is a Lexer object. The question is i dont know whether i should take it as a reference...
[2 replies] Last: doing it both ways will make the code that uses the tool a bit harder ... (by jonnin)
How can a export an existing concept from a c++20 module
Hey guys. I have been using concepts for some time and they work very well. Now I'd like to add module support. The important part here: I need to be backward...
[1 reply] : If'n I understand what you are trying to do it would require a very de... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Redefinition Errors on Build (1,2)
Win10, MSVS 17.11.3, C++ latest, console app. I'm a novice, hobbyist coder. I have a not-too-esoteric console app that contains a file for the main() function...
[25 replies] Last: [quote=George PlusPlus] Reference about using tags here at CplusPlus ... (by SimpleCoder)
  Archived months: [aug2024] [oct2024]

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