How to improve my C/C++ posts to CplusPlus forum

I would like to know how to increase the enjoyment and benefit of my posts to the readers of the CplusPLus forum. May I have your input on the following improvements or standards? Perhaps you have ideas of your own.

For example:

1) What is the maximum word length of the title?
2) Should I make a 2 to 3 sentence post abstract?
3) Place a set of *.c and *.h files so my readers can recreate the situation(?)
4) Insert a step by step “How to” or “what happed” with pictures.
5) Place a compressed (zipped) reference literature.

If you have time please send me an link of what you think is an example of a “Good” post and a “bad” post. Please include 1 to 2 sentences of why post is a good or bad. The subject matter is not so important as the post formatting and style.
you can't attach here, you have to attach to a third party site and post a link, like dropbox or whatever.

This isn't like a certain well known site where they delete your questions and answers if you don't format it right. Its a small site and honestly, if you are asking something and make sense, we will try to help. If you are posting how-to stuff, follow typical web rules... title should be short and directly state the topic, use font sizes and styles for sections of large posts, explain what you are going on about and if demonstrating it, post your code in code tags or a link to a git repo or something.

so basically that's 3 and 5.
4: no pictures here, so if you want a full web page article put it somewhere else and link to it here. If you need one or two pics for an explain about a problem or whatnot, see above on dropbox like sites.

1 I don't know, but I suspect if the title is that big, you are doing it wrong :)
2) up to you. the people here are pretty smart, so do what seems appropriate to whatever you are trying to say.
This isn't like a certain well known site where they delete your questions and answers if you don't format it right.


CPlusPlus certainly is one of the lesser C/C++ sites available, without a lot of "bells and whistles" tools such as file and picture attachments.

The "regulars" tend to be informal, and at times busy with RL Don't be surprised if a topic veers off course, sometimes almost immediately, or looks like it is getting ignored. Please don't "bump" a topic if no one is answering right away.

Using an online compiler such as Coliru is helpful when dealing with small snippets of code contained in a single unit. Everyone can see and test the code.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

template<typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<T>& vec)
    for (auto& el : vec)
        os << el << ' ';
    return os;

int main()
    std::vector<std::string> vec = { "Hello", "from", "GCC", __VERSION__, "!"  };
    std::cout << vec << std::endl;
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