General C++ Programming - November 2014 (Page 5)

[initializer_list] Problem with using initializer_list as function parameter
#include <iostream> #include <initializer_list> using namespace std; void doSomething(std::initializer_list<int> list) { } int main() { doSomething({2,3,6...
[3 replies] Last: I've already added -std=c++0x. Use -std=c++11 (by MiiNiPaa)
by user08
Boost serialization. unregistered_class exception.
I need to use boost serialization to serialize some structures. This code does not work the unregistered_class exception happens. #include <sstream> #include...
[no replies]
Annuity calculator.
The holder of an IRA can deposit money to the account each year. The amount is usually withdrawn when the depositor is age 65. However, it can be withdrawn whe...
[3 replies] Last: Solved guys; you were a big help! (by DeeStumps)
Array printing garbage!and I have no idea why.
HeY,I am fairly new to programming so i am in need of help. I need help figuring out why the elements from my dynamic array are not printing out correctly. So ...
[2 replies] Last: Wow!! that fixed it. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you very much!!!! (by HELPusStarFOX61)
Questions on Vectors
I had two questions regarding vectors: 1) Is there any advantage to using iterators instead of like arrays? 2) What is the need for having two types of ite...
[4 replies] Last: Okay. That makes sense. Thanks a lot! (by Nisheeth)
Adopted N4190, and actually removed (not just deprecated) several archaic things from the C++ standard library, including auto_ptr , bind1st/bind2nd , ptr_f...
[9 replies] Last: They also removed trigraphs which constantly were an eyesore for me. ... (by Cubbi)
Copy Constructor containing pointer
Hello! I am trying my best to explain the situation, so heres my problem. I want to copy over values from x to y, and its not possible as i cant use "y" a...
[14 replies] Last: I edited my post above, not sure why you cant see it, but here it is (... (by PapaBizz)
What C++ textbook is most effective for stacks & queues, recursion and linked list
Hey guys, I'm trying to find the most effective textbooks that will help me understand the concepts of stacks & queues, recursion and linked lists. I am writing...
[1 reply] : Those concepts aren't C or C++ specific. Using Wikipedia as a starting... (by tcs)
create a file and fill an 6x6 array with random +ev integers
guys .. help !! i`m really sucking @this:`c i need the help and really fast please...>.<" this is my code!! but it`s not working @ all ~(OoO)~ ...
[5 replies] Last: \( ^.^")/thank yew~~~ it`s good for a beginner like me.. but can you ... (by deepestblue)
How to "reserve" memory for maps
I have a situation where map elements will be inserted all throughout a continuous loop. I know that there's no reserve function for maps like there are for vec...
[2 replies] Last: Got it. Thanks for the help. (by Food 4 Thought)
Can anyone assist me with my C++ game?
Hey, I'm making a somewhat RPG game for fun, I'm in a 10th grade CS class so don't make fun of it's horrendous code, and I am using elements that we have not le...
[4 replies] Last: Can you try to narrow it down to specific functions? (by Avilius)
by jodytj
Data Structures Help
// my size is not decreasing when I erase a record. //dvr_hwch.cpp #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cassert> using namespace std; #i...
[1 reply] : Your erase function does not attempt to change size at all. (by MiiNiPaa)
a code that i started on but cant finnish it becouose i just started on c++
#include "DirectX.h" #include "DayZ.h" IDirect3D9Ex* p_Object = 0; IDirect3DDevice9Ex* p_Device = 0; D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS p_Params; ID3DXLine* p_Line; ID3DXF...
[1 reply] : Please use code tags, makes it much easier to read and it says that yo... (by Callum5042)
Binary search tree inorder traversal help
Hello, i am having trouble figuring out inorder traversal in this assignment. I was given this function definition in the homework i have to declare it. The ...
[3 replies] Last: Yes, two parameters. Sorry for my error. (by dhayden)
by Camaru
Error C2440
#include "PatternFind.h" unsigned int ulMissGodmode; unsigned int ulFullGodmode; void InitializeTrainer(HINSTANCE hInstance) { PFSEARCH pf; // This is ...
[1 reply] : Show declaration of FindPattern (by MiiNiPaa)
Linked List Operator+ Overloading Question
Hi all, I have written an operator+ overload function for a linked list queue implementation, but I was wondering if it makes a difference/is better to use ...
[1 reply] : instead of looping through the left operand and enqueueing its conte... (by coder777)
Hard Coded
Hey guys, if something is "hard coded" does that mean it's not aloud to be edited or you just can't edit it? And, I'm looking to get into c++, I heard that t...
[2 replies] Last: Okay thanks, I guess that clears it up a bit. I am currently working o... (by Camouflage)
by Kaykay
Sales Report for retail store in C++ program
Hey guys, I need your help, I been trying to write a sales report program for a retail store but its still giving me problems. Please help me out! the progr...
[2 replies] Last: start us off with the part of the program that your stuck on. (by jasonwynn10)
by Atal
Hi, im new too c++ and im writing a simple program that takes a tires make, size, cast etc. And prints out a few calculated results. I wrote the program on xcod...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class tir... (by jasonwynn10)
map library
I've been trying to play a little with the map library, see how it works and what I can do with it... And I couldn't find a way to use something like map<int ,...
[1 reply] : A std::map (class/object -- it's not a library, but a part of the li... (by Duthomhas)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 34567... 32
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