General C++ Programming - May 2014 (Page 10)

Help with string conversion from LC to UC
Hey guys, I don't understand why I am getting an error after my conversion in the console. Any help would be greatly appreciated! #include<iostream> #in...
[5 replies] Last: > I need it to be a dynamic array. I need to allocate and delete the m... (by JLBorges)
C++ or C#?
Hello! Well, as the title above states, I canĀ“t decide which language to choose really. The thing is that I got a school project which that I kind of want t...
[3 replies] Last: Well for making games you can still make them with C++ and SDL/SFML/Op... (by BHX)
Need Help with Hangman project
I have no clue how to write this program but the requirements for it are: C++ Project: Hangman Your next project is to create a hangman game. You must create...
[8 replies] Last: Or make an account with an alias :P. indeed. or rearrange the que... (by Noob Programmer)
radix sort using dynamic arrays class
Hello, Here's what I'm trying to achieve. - 1 dynamic array that will increase by one each time a node is added - 1 dynamic array that will be used to store r...
[no replies]
by er4zox
Call from Class created inside a Class
Hey guys ! I have 2 Classes. -> StateManager -> Intro The StateManager creates the Intro. I want that the Intro calls a function of the StateManager i...
[5 replies] Last: StateManager(){ States.push_back(new Intro("Intro" , this )); }... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Marium
Novel Library Project
I have made a novel library project but my functions are exceeding compiler limitations... I tried to resolve it but failed Anybody tell what to do next ????
[1 reply] : Change your functions to satisfy compiler expectations. Sorry, all of... (by MiiNiPaa)
Loading a vector from a file
Alright i have my program and it loads the vector fine and even puts the vector into a txt file but when it comes to lloading it again im not sure if it works o...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you works fine now ^^ (by ProgramMaster)
by Medino
Extract comments from a C file.
As the title suggests, I need to extract comments from a C file, which are usually marked with " /* This is a comment */ ". It seems to me that I need to calcu...
[5 replies] Last: why though? (by Little Bobby Tables)
Please Help?
So I am trying get some website names and putting them into a queue. So I got this far..I am trying to input these names and then check if they are valid websit...
[no replies]
Reading Data and printing arrays
I am very new to C++ and have been given a few tasks for my internship, the end product being a functional app of some sort that graphs information (such as the...
[no replies]
by sheen
how to get information about printer
hi, i'am new user for cplusplus. i have problem when i run this program, i need your help to solve this problem. The problem is when i run this program and p...
[6 replies] Last: coder777.. thanks for help..this program has working now..:) (by sheen)
Custom Dynamic Array Class and Allocator
Alright, so I attempted to create a dynamic array class for use in my engine (due to problems regarding a dll-interface with the standard library), so I tried a...
[9 replies] Last: You forgot to declare a destructor, copy constructor and assignment op... (by CodeGazer)
Read file folder with sequential images
I want to read a folder that contains large number of tif files. (say 1000 tif images) requirement is to read all files and store in a array/array pointer. ...
[1 reply] : The file/directory system calls vary across operating systems. 1. What... (by kbw)
C++ Game Tutorials
I've been having a hard time trying a good C++ tutorial for beginners. More specifically 2D. If anyone is willing to share with me any links to some, that woul...
[2 replies] Last: SDL - SFML - http://www.sfm... (by ProgramMaster)
Getting this Object Oriented logic to work
As a fore note: This program is troubling me for what i want to achieve. Please help as much as you can The program that I have been given as a homework proc...
[2 replies] Last: I thinks I have managed to solve this problem... Thanks anyone for con... (by Silver Falcon)
setting values using a txt file
in the following code how would i set a txt file up to where i can have say name = whatever in it and the program will find it and set it to the corresponding ...
[1 reply] : You should use getline function, it reads a whole line at a time so if... (by Favor98)
Value-returning or Void functions??
I was studying some of the inbuilt functions in the Standard C++ library from the Reference section on this site and observed a confounding pattern in the conce...
[7 replies] Last: made the first argument of each function a reference parameter On to... (by MikeyBoy)
help asap please!
i cant figure out why this program keeps looping infinitly when i run it and try to put some input, please help! #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #...
[1 reply] : When does it run indefinitely? I'm pretty sure if you entered 4 as the... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
Assignment help ! :/
Hello, im trying to convert this to use it only with <iostream.h> its not that hard i know but it's not working with me specially printf("%8.2f", sales );...
[1 reply] : im trying to convert this to use it only with <iostream.h> First of a... (by MiiNiPaa)
C programming using arrays and functions
]Write a C program that accepts 8 user input ratings on a new game. Print the lowest and highest ratings received. Use functions. I new to this and I don't ...
[1 reply] : Please use [ code] tags. There is no "%lf" output format specificati... (by Duthomhas)
May 2014 Pages: 1... 89101112... 31
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