Check if there is at least one sequence of three zeros in the list |
[2 replies] Last: just please help me figure it out, Use the debugger to trace throug... (by seeplus)
by saltyyyyy
Aggregation relationship and pointer
[2 replies] Last: Ouh I see, thank you so much! (by saltyyyyy)
by gevCplus
Reading from multiple txt files (i.e 100 txt files) with one ifstream
[15 replies] Last: I saw it. Thanks really a lot for helping me out! (by gevCplus)
by saltyyyyy
object oriented programming
[4 replies] Last: but it works! I doubt it. It doesn't crash because you forget to inc... (by kbw)
by gevCplus
Plz your help!
[16 replies] Last: No worries, you can read all about it at this link: https://en.cppref... (by TheIdeasMan)
by vboro
Searching the biggest value of 'H' shaped regions in a matrix
[8 replies] Last: there is probably some slick way to do it making use of overlapping, b... (by jonnin)
by gevCplus
Important Pair question #2
[4 replies] Last: Possibly something like: #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #in... (by seeplus)
by saltyyyyy
object oriented programming
[15 replies] Last: solved! thank you so much (by saltyyyyy)
by sonofptolemy
What does a colon : do after a class definition?
[2 replies] Last: Ok thats interesting. Thanks. (by sonofptolemy)
by gevCplus
STL Pair questions
[3 replies] Last: Guys thank you very much for your replies! (by gevCplus)
by sonofptolemy
Convention for which source file to put your includes
[8 replies] Last: So then @jonnin would it look odd to have virtually no #includes in yo... (by jonnin)
The finished code needs an explanation |
[5 replies] Last: As a first refactor, possibly consider: #include <iostream> #incl... (by seeplus)
by SirEnder125
Line drawing function fails strangely...
[8 replies] Last: G++ 9.2.0. Ah, it seems that after a brief project refresh it was reso... (by SirEnder125)
by javier55
Error writing objects of a class to file
[9 replies] Last: Thanks everyone for your help. I changed the program from std :: strin... (by javier55)
by vboro
Problem with char** typed function
[3 replies] Last: You're welcome - glad I could help! It's an easy mistake to make. In... (by MikeyBoy)
by lablnet
Unable to read object form file
[7 replies] Last: Thanks you all for answers (by lablnet)
by javier55
code tags not working
[1 reply] : The forum is buggy and the format buttons and preview do not work when... (by Ganado)
by SirEnder125
Confusion about line drawing code - "Strange" use of floating-point type.
[2 replies] Last: Alright. So, for instance, x1 + ((y - y1) * slope) will have a diffe... (by SirEnder125)
by GroovyJack
Please assist or show me how to finish one of the .cpp files in a Banking program with header files (1,2)
[28 replies] Last: Re-read this comment from 10 days ago, especially the paragraph 3rd fr... (by dhayden)
by ffej2ffej
The promise of GUI on all platforms
[4 replies] Last: But no-one starts new gui projects using WIN32 API (or unlikely MFC) t... (by jonnin)