General C++ Programming - January 2016 (Page 17)

by reg
Dead but much admired Yamaha synth
Hi, Is anyone interested in EWI + making a physical modeling soft synth? Currently there is N.I. Reaktor, Tassman 4, but too complex and no good anyway. An...
[no replies]
Linked list
How do i learn linked list online?
[1 reply] : Download: Pick... (by JLBorges)
by Gyiove
struct{int i, char u[16] ...}; Why 4 empty bytes after char[16]?
Hello, My code: struct tt { int i; char u ; double d; long long e; int y ; int s; }; tt a = { 123456, "Hello World", 69.96, 9876543210L, { 1, 2,...
[8 replies] Last: I've been extremely silly. It is so much simpler (and cleaner) to de... (by JLBorges)
by e7kim
battleship can't find fatal error
For a school assignment I have to create a battleship game where one random 4 length battleship (horizontal or vertical) is generated in a 8x8 gameboard. The pl...
[4 replies] Last: It's about the same code and same game. No, it's not. Same game, di... (by cire)
by e7kim
Battleship random ship placement
For a school assignment I have to create a battleship game where one random 4 length battleship (horizontal or vertical) is generated in a 8x8 gameboard. The pl...
[1 reply] : I would generate first the direction (vertical or horizontal). Then I ... (by ats15)
Cant seem to understand this basic class problem, can someone explain it to me?
Hello fellow programmers I am currently studying classes and objects and i cant seem to understand the following program. Can someone please explain to me how t...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys!! :D (by Jorgem888)
Need a direction from you guys.
First of all, English isn't my native language, so expect some grammer errors. I wanted to develop a chat program, but I don't want a simple one, I want to mak...
[7 replies] Last: First of all you were including the SFML static macro. You should not ... (by Stalker)
by Ik66
Iterators, vectors, videogames and crashing codes
Hi everybody and happy New Year!!. I have been learning C++ for almost 1 year because i have the crazy idea of making a videogame (simple and classic, no CODs ...
[4 replies] Last: It works !!! . I´ve been shooting more than 100 enemies with no crash... (by Ik66)
Hello, In the K&R on page 136 it says that our version of getword does not properly handle underscores, string constants, comments or preprocessor control lines...
[5 replies] Last: You should move your check for a " character to before you call isalph... (by Shadowwolf)
by AcarX
Pointer to non-static member functions
// Notes: I never allocate this class on stack // NetworkMessage::getOpcodes() returns a DWORD between 0x0 - 0xFFFFFF class Protocol{ private: int (*m...
[2 replies] Last: I see thanks for the example. (by AcarX)
by e7kim
Lab5 homework :(
[2 replies] Last: You just posted 3 threads within 2 minutes with only 1 mediafire link ... (by TarikNeaj)
by e7kim
Lab6 homework
[1 reply] : What code have you done so far?... (by chicofeo)
by e7kim
Lab7 homework
[1 reply] : What code have you done so far? (by chicofeo)
Can I move an object to a given address?
Suppose I have a class called "Person" Each "Person" has neighbors - represented by a collection - whose house addresses are the physical addresses within memor...
[6 replies] Last: a Person lives in a House a House has an Address a House has bordering... (by ne555)
Iphone/galaxy apps & gaming development questions
Hey, so i have 3 questions would like to have answer ASAP if u can :D ty using visual studio 2015 , and im write in C/C++. how can i develop apps for ip...
[8 replies] Last: 2. Android Studio is like Visual studio. I havent programmed android... (by TarikNeaj)
No matching function for call to swap
Ladies and gentlemen, I have created the following code block. Its purpose is to convert an object from one programmer-defined type to another. However, ...
[1 reply] : Duplicate @ Please dire... (by cire)
Convert from one class to a related class (not typecasting)
Imagine I have a C++ program that operates a machine that can rearrange the biology of any animal so that it is now of a different type of animal. So a bird can...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks, everyone. I just got around to actually testing out a solution... (by moonman239)
about LPVOID
how can I assign a value, from any type, to LPVOID? I found these way: *((string*)(varname)) = readstring; but imagine that we don't know the varname point...
[2 replies] Last: i tryied: varname=reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>(&readstring); i don't get... (by Cambalinho)
by rk417
need help for getting out put like check checkmate or no check for chess programme.
i had two players chess program,but i want to modify the code like while compling it should ask enter number of pieces-8 enter the position of the pieces-WKB...
[1 reply] : You've written a two player chess program, but don't know how to do si... (by TarikNeaj)
Ascii decimal to binary hex and vice versa
Hello there fellow programmers! I need help with getting ascii decimal value converted to binary hex and vice versa. I need low level algorithm
[1 reply] : ok I figure it out. (by aston00)
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