by jacapiwsko
Where to get exercises.
[1 reply] : Type "programming contest" into your favourite search engine. Many ha... (by salem c)
by NIUStudent
TCP server and process client request
[7 replies] Last: Your mis-placed ; means you have this // read a message from the cli... (by salem c)
by WurmD
Why no overload std::max_element(vector)
[6 replies] Last: Thank you! (by mbozzi)
by Cambalinho
how write to a file?
[3 replies] Last: i was doing too much 'open()' and 'close()'.. line by line. maybe thes... (by Cambalinho)
by Benji2408
C++ programming
[4 replies] Last: > Yes, I do have my code! Really? For sure? Because it looks an awful... (by salem c)
by Harperstu1
Upper/lower case
[1 reply] : Duplicate post: (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by Aaron0418
C++ Assignment (Mean, Median, Mode)
[4 replies] Last: Thank you! That helped out a lot. (by Aaron0418)
by Hammy
Separate String into different Variables
[4 replies] Last: You got it! Thank you so much! (by Hammy)
by mouzaan
C++ Homework
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much johnniewalker97. It worked! (by mouzaan)
by swaveysaiyan
Linked Lists
[7 replies] Last: Do you have multiple inclusion guards in your header files? (by MikeyBoy)
by Forgetful
Inserting into a linked list segmentation fault 11
[1 reply] : Line 149 this->cur = cur->next; cur is a null pointer. Dereferenc... (by Repeater)
by mouzaan
Towers of Hanoi Code explanation
[2 replies] Last: You can try adding instructions to let it display what it's doing whil... (by Enoizat)
by Cambalinho
About class's(OOP): i need some information. And Multidimensional Vectors (1,2)
[36 replies] Last: thank you so much for all (by Cambalinho)
by Forgetful
Inserting a value into a linked list using iterator position
[2 replies] Last: Insert appears to work correctly when I try it: int main() { Lis... (by JLBorges)
by Vostok17
Program to output amplitude values of a Sine wave, but not getting expected result
[14 replies] Last: Hello Ganado, Thank you very much for helping. (by Vostok17)
[2 replies] Last: To give you an idea, #include <iostream> struct User { int userID;... (by chicofeo)
Subclass Object in Baseclass/Superclass |
[3 replies] Last: Hi, The reason there is a problem in the OP, is because of circular i... (by TheIdeasMan)
by angel512
Array Homework help!
[2 replies] Last: for function that computes average: double AverageFinder(int arr , in... (by Hammy)
by KadenV
C++ Homework
[1 reply] : > sum += int(getDigit(cardNumber ) * 2); You seem to be passing '0' ... (by salem c)
Use OpenACC to parallelize your matrix multiplication C code to run on a GPU |
[1 reply] : (by salem c)