General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 11)

Questions about destroying the dynamic arrays and binarySearch function
Thank You For Helping
[2 replies] Last: I do have delete sorted in my program, does it mean I destroy the d... (by coder777)
by AceK
Hi there, I want to link the SFML lib to my wxDev C++ IDE so that i can start programming games. But i have no clue how to do it.
[no replies]
How to send a windows message from C# to C++ (MFC)?
Hello mates, I'm trying to send a windowsmessage from an app in C# (Compact Frame) to another one in C++ (MFC), both of them in a PDA. In the receiver app...
[no replies]
pointer points to a member class
Well, I am looking for a way to find out wheter my pointer is pointing to a member of a particular class and somehow I figure out a way by myself... #includ...
[7 replies] Last: > Well I could just put the tween_t handler not in the world_t but in ... (by JLBorges)
Questions about creating arrays under classes
I'm working on the line up function which returns a line-up of 5 players – 2 guards, 2 forwards, and 1 center. However, in order to make it work, I have to cr...
[no replies]
by SMA01
Is my compiler messed up or am I making a mistake?
I have this: char choice; cout << "Enter A to add an item, D to delete an item, S to search for an item, L for the length of the list, P to print list...
[4 replies] Last: Using a switch helps avoid the error pointed out by eagle-eye xhtmlx ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by crp408
need a lil help
so i wrote a program that reads from a disk file and i need the program to read the disk file and separate each line into three fields of text what would be th...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <fstream> struct Reco... (by DesiredNote)
Anagram Maker
I need help making an anagram maker. But, the one specification is that is does not include algorithms. If you guys have anything to help me out with that would...
[5 replies] Last: Yes is does, thank you very much. (by codster)
Cygwin and Windows?
Would anyone be able to answer the below. This could be a silly question but I have to hear it for sure. If I install Cygwin on Windows and go ahead and ...
[1 reply] : IIRC, sort of. Compiling with Cygwin makes the program dependent on cy... (by helios)
by sahi
computing yields for gilts using c++
Hi, I'm a complete beginner at c++, and I have an urgent assignment to complete, I have to read a text file safely using c++, however I'm getting no output, bel...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much for the help, is just that I placed the text file in... (by sahi)
Leave out the enum class name from function arguments
I now this isn't possible but I think it would be useful if it was. If you have an enum class enum class Direction { up, down, left, right }; and...
[3 replies] Last: In my opinion your proposal makes C++ code hard to read. Not all funct... (by vlad from moscow)
I need help with a string statement in my code. I'm trying to make a program like Scrabble Flash(if you don't know what that is, it's a game with scrambled let...
[8 replies] Last: Because that's not how you call a function. You call it like it was an... (by S G H)
by werlay
i cant get all lines read with this code
Please anyone, Am having problems reading all lines of my txt file. below is the function i wrote to read the data in the file and search thru them. but it app...
[1 reply] : Seems like a duplicate post to me (by SamuelAdams)
by crp408
cant get my program to work
so when i run the program the only thing that comes up is a blank screen and i cant figure out why? // dfdf.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console...
[4 replies] Last: while ( !bank.eof() ) Is this condition ever getting met? Stick a b... (by ResidentBiscuit)
3d Vector
Well I have attempted to make my version of a 3d vector and I got a really strange error in the STL files on line 485. Assuming EveryThing Else is taken care o...
[6 replies] Last: Of course: The boost::multi_array class provides an element-preservi... (by Cubbi)
Translate the insertion sort algorithm to C++
Solved! Thank You ~^^~
[3 replies] Last: That task is formulated using very unconventional, for C++, concepts. ... (by Cubbi)
by SMA01
Incomplete File type, what does this mean?
I was debugging my program that is supposed to read in values from a .txt file. When I was looking at the local variables, by intInputFile it says <incomplete>....
[2 replies] Last: You're right, it stopped looping uncontrollably when I changed it to ... (by SMA01)
by ravian
graphics.h in code Blocks
can any one tell me where to add graphics.h so that it may not give any error. my code block is installed at (C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks) i need to s...
[4 replies] Last: SFML and SDL. Any graphics library will do this. (by ResidentBiscuit)
by crp408
reading from a file
so im just learning how to write in c++ and i have a question // ces.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. #include "stdafx.h" // ...
[7 replies] Last: You have 2 choices, maybe more but at least 2. Get the string the use... (by SamuelAdams)
boost::threadpool without locking
I have some basic question. Please don't comment about class desing its just like this so i could easely try to explain what i want. class Foo { X data ; // ...
[6 replies] Last: atomic variables are part of C++11 @ rapidcoder. Though I'm not sure ... (by Disch)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 910111213... 43
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