General C++ Programming - December 2012 (Page 12)

Program just exit
Hi Ya, Can someone assist please? if i do ctrl+F5 program says "press any key to exit" after the 'while' loop if i do normal run (F5) it doesn't draw ...
[2 replies] Last: ->KRAkatau, Many many thanks, I can't believe i have to travel all th... (by friendPC)
double hashing
i found this example on internet : h1(K) = K mod 13 h2(K) = 8 - K mod 8 insert 18 41 22 44 59 32 31 73 into 13 - item hash table 0 : 44 1 : 2 : 41 3 : 73...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, you saved me , KRAkatau, now i understand (by assassin2811)
Problem on Space deleting function
The program below shows a bizarre disfunction. Its target is to delete all empty fields inside a string. I would appreciate any advice about how to make it less...
[1 reply] : the problem occurs when you detect a second space. Don't do any specia... (by coder777)
by LunarB
C++ Socket Programming (Recv and Send)
I'm having some troubles learning how to use send and recv to send something from one client to another. I'll list some variables, and i'd much appreciate if s...
[1 reply] : it is a complex problem. how to send and receive data relies on the pr... (by coder777)
by Tazzy
Array (1,2)
Hello I have a problem with this task: Function 1 by iteration: input (n, a) There are elements of the array of keyboard are read. 2 by means of iteration func...
[27 replies] Last: Tazzy is either a troll, or someone who doesn't want to learn the lang... (by Volatile Pulse)
I have C++ codes for 0/1 knapsack problem. How can I transform it into ILOG CPLEX environment? #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip>...
[no replies]
by shipra
Need Help regarding C online
Hello all I just like to ask that what is the scope of c programming, what all topics should be covered and it is kinda bothering me … and has anyone studied...
[2 replies] Last: i also need help dear.... :( (by Laverneyek)
by Mysq
string.erase does not work?
/* */ #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include "Tekstas.h" // Itraukiamas klases Tekstas failas using namespac...
[14 replies] Last: finally i got :D thanks JLBorges, you're awesome :) thanks thanks :) (by Mysq)
Yardım lütfen acil
sadece for döngüsünü kullanarak 1 3 5 12 34 56 123 345 567 1234 3456 5678 çıktısını nasıl alabilirim ?
[4 replies] Last: If to use std::string then the code can look as #include <iostream> ... (by vlad from moscow)
Which comes first? (1,2,3)
Can I write? a = (b = 5, c = 10); And if it's possible, please, calculate this expression... I have no idea what a comma between expressions and expressions i...
[42 replies] Last: > Is there a good first program to understand threads a little better?... (by JLBorges)
So I have been learning c++, And now I am ready to start on my project of making a simple asteroid like game. What is a good program to use to make this? and pl...
[1 reply] : You could use an API like Allegro, SDL or SFML. (by TheGrayWolf)
signed integer with only signed bit set. (-0)
-0 doesn't seem possible with integers (although I can get floats to be -0.0 in some cases). but what exactly is the value of an int with only the signed bit se...
[11 replies] Last: > undefined behavior because of the cast? No. The unsigned short is p... (by JLBorges)
Reading multiple bytes from a file.
I can read a singular byte from a file using: FILE *f = fopen(nfn, "rb"); int n; if(f) { n = fgetc(f); } But im not quite sure how to loop this so i ca...
[1 reply] : std::vector<int> n ; { // cstdio std::FILE* f = std::fopen( "p... (by JLBorges)
if statements not working
I'm trying out this program to solve quadratics for you, and I got it all to work. But i realized I needed to add some If statements for when a certain part of...
[11 replies] Last: Why not just work out the 2 roots with a function that takes the dete... (by TheIdeasMan)
reading/writing bytes??
I can write bytes to a file using: int byte=5;//Random byte number.. :P FILE *o=fopen("test.txt","wb"); fputc(byte,o); fclose(o); And it will save a byte(5)...
[1 reply] : The opposite of fputc is fgetc. int rs = fgetc(f); (by Disch)
by SMA01
Please help, don't know why program is crashing...???
I am reading in values from a file, and am not sure what's wrong with my code? My main issue is within the area in bold, can anyone tell me what's wrong? Tha...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks. I'm confused as to how to fix it, I've tried intializing lastI... (by SMA01)
by jaded7
templated functions help
Suppose I have a container of a data type. This container has the method .size() declared and implemented. The data type has relational operators defined. Is it...
[2 replies] Last: Great, thanks. (by jaded7)
text colour
I used this to change the background colour system("color 08"); but I want to change the background of colour in such a way that only area over which text...
[17 replies] Last: I have been wondering this thanks! (by Sharpie)
Inline functions and scope
inline void foo(){ int x; x = 10; } int main() { int x; foo(); x = 12; return 0; } Let's say the compiler does inline t...
[10 replies] Last: I doubt there is a compiler today that pays any attention to the keywo... (by Cubbi)
Function variable...
Does C++ support Function variable?? Fox example : *Func() = printf; Func = strcpy; Func = rand; Func = ...everything... Do you know this variable type? An...
[1 reply] : Pointers to functions: ... (by JLBorges)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 43
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