How can I restrict a template parameter to a certain signature
Aug 19, 2023 at 6:14pm
I have a function template acting on a collection and receiving an operation whose signature is like this:
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template<typename T>
unique_ptr<T> negate(unique_ptr<T> t)
auto r = *t;
*t = r + 4;
return std::move(t);
In other words I want to restrict the operation to be a callable object which receives unique_ptr<T> and returns unique_ptr?
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template<typename C, typename Oper> requires ReceiveAndReturnUnique_ptr<Oper, typename C::value_type>
void for_every(C& c, Oper op)
for(auto& x : c)
I need to implement the ReceiveAndReturnUnique_ptr concept
Help will be appreciated
Aug 20, 2023 at 6:32am
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#include <memory>
#include <ranges>
#include <vector>
template < typename T > struct is_unique_ptr : std::false_type {} ;
template < typename T > struct is_unique_ptr< std::unique_ptr<T> > : std::true_type {} ;
template < typename T >
concept contains_unique_ptr = std::ranges::range<T> &&
bool( is_unique_ptr< std::ranges::range_value_t<T> >{} ) ;
template < std::ranges::range CNTR, typename FN >
requires contains_unique_ptr<CNTR> &&
requires( std::ranges::range_value_t<CNTR> v, FN f )
{ { f(v) } -> std::same_as< std::ranges::range_value_t<CNTR> > ; }
void test( CNTR&& cntr, FN fn )
for( auto& ptr : cntr ) ptr = std::move( fn(ptr) ) ;
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