Translate an Exiftool command to Exiftool in C++

I want to translate an Exfitool terminal command to the Exiftool C++ wrapper code.

The command is as follows:

exiftool -RawThermalImage -b imageIn.jpg > imageOut.png

I have written the following code so far:

ExifTool* imageIn = new ExifTool();
TagInfo* information = imageIn->ImageInfo(imageIn.jpg, "-RawThermalImage -b");

But I am not able to understand, how I can translate the > imageOut.png part. Kindly guide.
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But I am not able to understand, how I can translate the > imageOut.png part. Kindly guide.

This part of the command simple tells the shell to redirect the stdout of the exiftool program to a file.

Inside your own C/C++ program, you can simple use a combination of fopen() and fwrite() to write the output to whichever file that you desire. Your program may take the name of the output file as a command-line parameter, if you don't want to "hard-code" the file name. Well, either that, or write the output to stdout (by using fwrite(stdout, ...)) and let the caller of your program redirect the output to the desired file....
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