namespace traceback

Feb 2, 2022 at 10:35am
I´m trying to program something using the SDK of some software. In a lot of the .hpp files, there is some namespaces. Sometimes I can´t find the definition of certain things and I was wondering if they were defined in the namespaces. Is there any way to traceback a namespace to see its content?

Feb 2, 2022 at 10:51am
It might be better to actually say what SDK rather than "some software".

It might be a good idea to say what IDE you're using to "search" with.
Feb 2, 2022 at 11:31am
Well, I´m using Visual Studio 2019. As for the software, I don´t really think anyone would have heard of it. It´s called ModuleWorks.
Feb 2, 2022 at 3:53pm
If ModulesWorks is a paid product for doing CAD maybe asking the company who creates the software the question(s) you have might be more productive.
Feb 2, 2022 at 4:37pm
@BJKY0712 I'm pretty certain VS has some powerful code browsing and navigation tools. I don't know if it's possible to get it to show everything in a namespace, but it should certainly be possible to right-click on an entity in the code, and get VS to open the file containing the definition and navigate to that definition.

@George P This seems to be a general question about using developer tools to navigate a codebase, rather than a specific question about the ModuleWorks code.
Feb 2, 2022 at 6:27pm
grep can help faster and more flexible than searches in MSVS.
cygwin offers a windows version, I use that one. I also use 3 programs I wrote myself called linefilter, linekeeper, and showline. on occasion i use those where grep gets weird about regex that was meant to be literal text, as my regex is weak, and showline can give me a slice of code out of a file from line start to line end.
nothing fancy but with it, I can usually trace out anything once I figure out the keywords I need.
Feb 2, 2022 at 8:15pm
In VS, F12 and Ctrl+F12 on a variable/name lets it go to "Definition" (declaration) and "Implementation" (definition), respectively. So if it's there, that should work. I forget if it can handle complicated things like template specializations.

Edit: But if you're not sure what namespace it's in, this is not so helpful. In that case, I agree with jonnin, you might be better off using recursive grep or equivalent..
RootDirectory> grep -r "NameOfFunction" .
Last edited on Feb 2, 2022 at 8:28pm
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