Header Definitions. 1980’s style

closed account (jhpjURfi)
I am studying source code from 1980’s games. I ran into some things I cannot find and explanation for such as...

P.S some of the content inappropriate

I’m interested in %var, .obj, definitions and how they are used. I have only access to the header files and don’t quite understand the possible use.

Inside a header file...
[ LOCAL VARS for use in room logics.
%var lv0 200
%var lv1 201
%var lv2 202
%var lv3 203
%var lv4 204
%var lv5 205
%var lv6 206
%var lv7 207
%var lv8 208

[ TEMP FLAGS for use in dynamic logics.
%flag df0 230
%flag df1 231
%flag df2 232
%flag df3 233
%flag df4 234
%flag df5 235
%flag df6 236

Inside a .txt file

[************* INVENTORY OBJECTS
[.obj object#, "Status screen name", room # at beginning of game

.obj 1, "Wallet", 255
.obj 2, "Breath Spray", 255
.obj 3, "Pocket Lint", 255
.obj 4, "Wrist Watch", 255
.obj 5, "Apple", 32
.obj 6, "Diamond Ring", 13
.obj 7, "Glass of Whiskey", 15
.obj 8, "Remote Control", 14
.obj 9, "Rose", 14
.obj 10, "Prophylactic", 21
.obj 11, "Used Prophylactic", 0
.obj 12, "Box of Candy", 17
.obj 13, "Inflatable Doll", 45
.obj 14, "Disco Pass", 35
.obj 15, "Pocket Knife", 22
.obj 16, "Bottle of Wine", 21
.obj 17, "\"Jugs\" Magazine", 21
.obj 18, "Hammer", 12
.obj 19, "Bottle of Pills", 12
.obj 20, "Rope", 41

Also a em.msg file with definitions such as

% message 40
“You are sitting.”

Any help understanding this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much!!! Rusty
Whatever this is, it's not C++.
It would have been helpful if you had named the game.

I have no clue what the local vars or temp flags do.
The .obj's are fairly obvious.
The game is written in a generic manner.
It loads object definitions from the file.
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It's apparently https://github.com/historicalsource/leisuresuitlarry

According to that page, the architecture here is: "Adventure Game Interpreter" (AGI), which "takes these definitions and drives the games."

So, OP, this is not C++, as AbstractionAnon mentioned. But if you want to explore how the game/engine system works, I find a lot of results when I search for Sierra On-line adventure game interpreter, so I would start there.

"Pocket Lint" reminds me of Fallout. Must be a running gag in multiple games.
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