template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
void sort (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp);
Sorts the elements in the range [first,last) into ascending order.
The elements are compared using comp.
Equivalent elements are not guaranteed to keep their original relative order
On average, linearithmic in the distance between first and last: Performs approximately N*log2(N) (where N is this distance) comparisons of elements, and up to that many element swaps (or moves).
It is not stated what sorting algorithm the std::sort does / has to use, but the functor is used approximately N*log2(N) times.
Just to be completely sure I understood the subject properly, we say that sort uses a mixture of algorithms by/called Introsort even if we've supplied the sort predicate with a user-defined functor that just is using the less-than operator?
One side question, what does exist inside the std namespace? Does it only include STL containers and related algorithms?
> Introsort even if we've supplied the sort predicate
The standard sort algorithm is a comparison sort; it compares elements to determine their relative order.
The algorithm uses the predicate to perform the comparisons.
> One side question, what does exist inside the std namespace?
> Does it only include STL containers and related algorithms?