C++ Programming /// Beginner

closed account (367kGNh0)
THIS POST HAS BEEN DELETED. THE OP IS GONE Peter87 is not referring to me
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> since I usually give up if I am working alone I decided to try and find a programming partner.

It is a good idea. Stroustrup in 'Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++'
However, whether you work your way through as part of a course or independently, try to work with others. Programming has an — unfair — reputation as a lonely activity. Most people work better and learn faster when they are part of a group with a common aim. Learning together and discussing problems with friends is not cheating! It is the most efficient — as well as most pleasant — way of making progress. If nothing else, working with friends forces you to articulate your ideas, which is just about the most efficient way of testing your understanding and making sure you remember.

The original OP (not Rascake) is a spammer! He's just copying recent posts by various authors from reddit.
Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/9gtqrm/c_programming_beginner/
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