Code Blocks: when i use the dot, why i don't get the list?

i'm using Code Blocks 17.12...
speaking on vector... when i do:
1 list menu is showed with these:"_M_emplace_aux()".. why these instead the structure list?

struct FunctionList
        string Name;
        string Return;
        vector<string> ParametersType;
vector <FunctionList> FuncList;

for now i only get these error\bug with vectors
i fixed the problem and you don't belive how.
on header file i added the:
using namespace std;
for continue using the code without 'std'... but these is a 'bug'... maybe the list can be showed on header code... but never on Cpp code... for resolve it, i added the same line on cpp file and now i get the list.. these is strange
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Putting using namespace std; into a header file is a very bad idea. Don't do it. You're forcing every single file that includes that header, to pull in the entire std into the global namespace.
i must fix that. thank you so much for all
You're welcome.
I think these sort of issues are probably better directed towards the Code::Block people.
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that's true, but it's fixed... ok on header i must change it ;)
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