Beginners - September 2014 (Page 46)

by Naulee
Enum, array, void functions
So I basically have no idea what I'm doing as my instructor did not give very useful information on how to utilize enumerators. The purpose of the program is...
[6 replies] Last: Okay I followed what you said exactly, and it worked, thank you very m... (by Naulee)
password verification problem
I have two questions. First in both lines of this same code (44, 49): length=strlen(password); I get an error that says "implicit conversion loses i...
[1 reply] : First in both lines of this same code (44, 49): length=strlen(passwo... (by jlb)
Where should I #include the header files
To understand my question have a look at the code first: Foo.h class Foo { void bar(); }; Foo.cpp void Foo::bar() { std::cout << "Foo:...
[3 replies] Last: Further reading from Mr D.: (by mutexe)
by h4ever
function to read arguments
I am trying to make working a source codes from articls "Playing with OpenCL: Gaussian Blurring" and I found that the author did not include main file, so I try...
[7 replies] Last: I have found some problems while I try to remake the function. While d... (by h4ever)
generic sorting algorithm , not using sort()
Implement a generic sorting algorithm i.e. the input array may contain int, double or structure values , or any type of data defined by user ? The comparator...
[5 replies] Last: The problem is on line 40/41. You need to deduce the type of the data.... (by coder777)
output is not that one which is desired
I am writing this beginner's code in C++ in order to get acquainted with variable types, but when I compile and run this code, I am not getting an output as I d...
[4 replies] Last: Now it works... Thanks... :-) (by abasitm1993)
loop structure sum help..
Write your question here: Write a program that calculates the sum of sequence 1 to 5. (Using LOOP STATEMENT) please help.. I've been try it for hours usi...
[1 reply] : you need a variable declared OUTSIDE your for loop ('sum' for example,... (by mutexe)
problem in installation
I am new to c++. I am trying to install borland c++4.5 but my pc says"The app can't run on your pc. To find version for your pc. check with software publisher. ...
[5 replies] Last: If you're on windows: (by mutexe)
by h4ever
function to write binary data to file
This is my first function which I do to write data which are saved in binaries array and I want them to save them e.g. in files like 1.bin, 2.bin or possibly ke...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks. I got this void writeBinaries(char ** binaries, size_t * b... (by h4ever)
Arrays Triangular matrices
Kindly recommend alternate for trangular matrices #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(void) { int rows = 5, cols = 5; int **arr; /...
[no replies]
Problems occured while designing grids (included sfml)
The designation is that I want to design a 3*3 big grids which have 3*3 small grids inside the big grids,that means there are 81 small grids equally distributed...
[no replies]
PhoneBook search ALgorithm
Hi i need to write phonebook search algorithm!if we have names Aram Aren Atin Banett Clara if i write A it will show first 3 than i can input r it will s...
[1 reply] : Probably a preordered binary search. Take a look at the standard funct... (by coder777)
Input redirection
Hello everybody. I need help with input redirection. I'm using it to read in a file full of integer values which I'm putting into array. After sorting it , I'...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you. :) (by Stremik)
need a small halp
hi i need help with counting the occurrences of each integer element on my array. i am always getting a weird output. #include <iostream> using namespa...
[2 replies] Last: thanks that makes sense.... (by luv2program)
Pull integer from void to display in int main
I'm trying to write a program that's more or less a flow chart. Right now I'm stuck. Basically I want to pull int a from my first question and just get it to di...
[2 replies] Last: Use reference or pointer parameter in your function (by LendraDwi)
Probably easy question - incredibly new
Write your question here. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int ProAverage = 75.26, TestAverage = 52.31, Final = 60.342...
[7 replies] Last: Okay, I apologize! I'm just not very good with these things. I'll look... (by Trapnasty)
converting int to string and back
nvm figured it out! screw conversion! math all the way! lol :P
[1 reply] : (by LB)
removing white space from char* array
Im writing a function that wil remove white empty space in a array of char i am getting an error saying : Access violation writing location my logic s...
[4 replies] Last: absolutely perfect explanation of what i was doing wrong! Thank you s... (by spiritedDedication)
by lew13
Need help with a coding for class please!
I am trying to make a program that calculates the sum of every Nth integer from a given start and stopping point. I am having trouble towards the very end with ...
[8 replies] Last: Not sure if you wanted to execute a dowhile or while but just drop... (by Wulfinite)
Double Factorial problem
how to write the code for this factoriel " F=4(3n+2m)!! +6 " with "goto" comand. i tried some ways but couldnt do it..errors
[1 reply] : Use this basic structure to fix build your code properly #include <i... (by shadowCODE)
September 2014 Pages: 1... 4445464748... 51
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