by csharp
help with some functions
[9 replies] Last: Actually it worked but I think the assert part is optional (checking p... (by csharp)
by alielsaadi
breaking a loop
[3 replies] Last: i just spent 4 hours to fix an assignment that only needed one more li... (by lonelylense)
by FlyingTr
doubleArray question (1,2)
[36 replies] Last: Lets touch some points: * Member initialization lists (by keskiverto)
by mulyana
arrange variables in array
[1 reply] : What is the purpose of order? Each time through your first loop num... (by admkrk)
Updating an array |
[3 replies] Last: your update scores function is completely useless just delete it. You ... (by Yanson)
by alielsaadi
how to only accept certain input?
[7 replies] Last: for and while are interchangeable in almost all cases - the reason... (by LB)
by tkolsty89
Displaying the Address of Chars
[4 replies] Last: Great! Thanks for your help guys :D (by tkolsty89)
by jadedcplus
While loop not accepting int changes?
[3 replies] Last: Thank you, both! :-) (by jadedcplus)
by Acidbassist
Trying to learn string class...function not working as I anticipated
[4 replies] Last: Well....there is always that chance that I'm just not paying attention... (by Acidbassist)
by Ganado
MinGW linking question, lib .a files
[2 replies] Last: Oh, well... I had been trying a bunch of other stuff since I posted th... (by Ganado)
by sakonpure6
C - Why are my variables retaining the value 0?
[3 replies] Last: Nvm. I solved it thanks MiNipa (by sakonpure6)
by BustTheCode
Getters/Setters and object oriented design? Is everything my school teaches wrong? (1,2)
[23 replies] Last: Yes, my examples are extreme (especially the networking ones). 99% of ... (by LB)
by mtmsl
Creating Arrays Using the Free Store
[6 replies] Last: Ok, I found a solution for this exercise and figured out what I was do... (by mtmsl)
by LATCH100
int main
[4 replies] Last: oh ok thanks (by LATCH100)
by akai09
[6 replies] Last: This works. Take note of the changes. #include<iostream> using names... (by shadowCODE)
by Hank Hill
Can you scroll in the console box?
[2 replies] Last: Pipe the output through more or less (by Lowest0ne)
by LATCH100
C++ “multi-line” comment format
[4 replies] Last: shadowCODE is right, but just to add: for purposes of putting it "abov... (by Ganado)
by freecody24
did i spell it wrong?#include <iomopin>
[2 replies] Last: (by MiiNiPaa)
by JoJodoggy1
make a pyramid using loops
[2 replies] Last: Works now! Thanks! (by JoJodoggy1)
by jamiewaren
Int To String
[6 replies] Last: OP, note that if you just want to print the integer, the streams libra... (by dhayden)