Beginners - September 2013 (Page 60)

by eastw
Pre/Post Incre/Drecement
Hi huys,any good idea on how to understand it? my own answer != compiler output ;-( What i did to ans1 was: ans1= 21 + 21 - 12 - 11; ans2= (10 - 8%4) + ...
[3 replies] Last: doesnt help me much,dat link but at least thks for ur reply ;-) (by eastw)
by Ch1156
How to use 2 different class variables in a function
ok so this isnt an actual concern i have for my game or anything i just got to thinking about it and am curious. So lets say i have a class class testOne ...
[3 replies] Last: I would just make testTwo member functions to set and get the member v... (by Superdude)
New to classes and hitting an object error
Hello, I am new to using classes and I'm not 100% sure if I'm doing this right, and I don't understand why I'm getting the error: 37:24: error: cannot call memb...
[2 replies] Last: The error is because you cannot call member functions that are not par... (by Superdude)
Set Window To Foreground
Hi there! This is my first time to ask over the internet. I was just reading forums regarding my queries and this time, i want to try it myself. So hopefully, ...
[4 replies] Last: Hi Andy, That's my real problem. I cant make the debugger work. Im us... (by ernestryancepeda)
Class Test please help?!
Dont know how to do!!! #include "Vector2D.h" #include <math.h> // for sqrt() function // Vector2D constructor Vector2D::Vector2D(double x, double y) ...
[3 replies] Last: What is your question? Do you have a problem? Are you wanting abetterw... (by Superdude)
Program to Create and display data of a file- Shows Error
Guys, i have made this program to create and display data of that file. But it is not working as i expected. So it would be really helpful for me if someone hel...
[3 replies] Last: Like so: ostream fout("student.txt", ios::out); As well, iostream... (by Superdude)
Expected primary expression before...
Hello, this is my first post on this forum so I hope this will make sense (I already tried searching the site for people having similar problems but I didn't se...
[4 replies] Last: You actually don't need to use this-> unless you have a local variable... (by giblit)
Quick c++ program i made
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int a, b; cout << "Enter your favorite number " << endl; cin >> b; cout << "Enter another n...
[2 replies] Last: OK, nice program. Do you have a problem, or do you want suggestions? B... (by Superdude)
by nraker
Help beginner at its finest
Write your question here. what would be the necessary code needed to answer this question. I have tried multiple codes all failing miserably. From recent d...
[2 replies] Last: Also, perhaps you could post one of the programs you thought was prett... (by Zhuge)
Search Arrays in Text File
Alrite, I need to search for a word given by a user, my problem is how do you go about searching the whole array to find the particular word. P.S - using tex...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks, Josue, What if it doesn't require functions, then how would it... (by willynilly)
by eastw
Hi again guys, I'm having trouble to compile my program as there are some errors & i dun really understand wad the compiler output really mean for. If u c...
[2 replies] Last: thks,so for the void function at line 41. For example,int max1 ..we ... (by eastw)
Scrambling words in a string array?
I have 208 string in my array and I'm trying to shuffle them all. When I run the program, it shuffle only every first letter of each string, not the whole strin...
[10 replies] Last: dest? I was unaware. (by closed account yqD8vCM9)
.txt Files
Hi. Here is a scenario. I failed a quiz on this so I need help. You have a .txt file You have your source code You need to take information from your source...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you both for your responses! Ok, so I have hit another brick wa... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
Basic program not recognizing float
Hi all, I'm using float for the first time and am running into trouble. Here's a snapshot of the code: float fl = 1.00; cout << fl; int a = 10; int ...
[2 replies] Last: That's it! Thanks so much for the quick reply. (by Romanstandrd)
Hi forum, If the application ends with the exit(EXIT_FAILURE), does the destructor of the class is called and do the memory cleanup in case the cleanup opera...
[7 replies] Last: Agreed. Everything in automatic storage and anything not put into the ... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
Assigning a class to another classes array
How do you accepts a Worker(class) object and assigns it to the supervisors(class) array, if the supervisors array is not defined in the supervisors class Th...
[6 replies] Last: @keskiverto: Absolutely. Actually, I had the nb_minions <= 8 check ... (by Stewbond)
What would be defined as basic c++? In other words what topics would you expect to see in a beginner c++ book?
[3 replies] Last: In my opinion basics is the syntax and semantic of C++ statements. By ... (by vlad from moscow)
Advanced topics
Write your question here. I see many people say after you are fammiliar with the basics of C++ you should go on the more advanced topics in the realms of C++ b...
[14 replies] Last: I was humoring you in the same manner you did me: absurdly. Also, fo... (by Josue Molina)
Minecraft wep
So i want to make a program that will tell how many hearts of damage a certain weapon will do when a user types the name of the tool or weapon in. for example i...
[15 replies] Last: As giblit said please ask if you don't understand anything about this ... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
do someone know about a tutorial to use mysql with dev-c++?
Hello, I'm new here,but I need help do someone know about a tutorial to use mysql with dev-c++? a tutorial page or something in youtube sorry if you don't u...
[9 replies] Last: I've never actually seen an IDE compiler point at the correct line of ... (by ciphermagi)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 5859606162... 64
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