Copying more than one variable continuously to clipboard |
[1 reply] : Get comfortable for a nice long read. (by salem c)
by Jhokuu
Extracting specific data without the rest in a .txt file
[2 replies] Last: Your second number is a double not an int. You don't have to ignore() ... (by againtry)
by Shizzy
Reading only numbers and not letters?
[5 replies] Last: Oops! I didn't read @OP's problem as thoroughly as I should. The input... (by againtry)
by Leo2505
byte representation of program objects
[1 reply] : Leo2505 (1) Can someone help me with this topic " byte representation ... (by jonnin)
by Thestarfish
Why is it not printing the names
[3 replies] Last: (by againtry)
by jabeh
Overloaded Method
[11 replies] Last: I've encountered very similar ambiguities in practice and it's often a... (by mbozzi)
by vysero
Match everything after first occurance of a number
[16 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <map> #include <regex>... (by againtry)
by gigacapybara
c++ program that utilizes menu to print specific information from a weather data file
[9 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <... (by againtry)
by PhoenixS2020
Trying to format the data to be inline on the right side.
[17 replies] Last: I'm back. Now, where were we? (by againtry)
by Elured42
Ways of storing all possible variants of variables for a class
[1 reply] : Was overthinking the problem. (by Elured42)
by audioni
Put inputs into array
[1 reply] : 'std::cin' is the stream that receives user input. One possibility, a... (by Ganado)
by Mathavan
Matching the value from input and value from a text file
[1 reply] : using getline you may get a stray space or anything else. equality me... (by jonnin)
by gigacapybara
Large data file hw assignment
[14 replies] Last: When working with fixed fields, another approach is to work out the st... (by seeplus)
by jabeh
C++ Classes Program
[6 replies] Last: @lastchance okay thank you (by jabeh)
by DozoIki
Questionnaire/Survey program with the use of if /else if/else statements
[5 replies] Last: Thanks so much definitely taking all these replies in account huge hel... (by DozoIki)
by moosemb
C++ hangman program (stuck on one problem) (1,2)
[22 replies] Last: Hey guys, sorry for getting back so late but I have found the solution... (by moosemb)
How to use additional Header and Implementation files in a project that already has a 'header-imp-class' configuration. |
[4 replies] Last: What is in the House.h? (by keskiverto)
by Anongonex
Error Codes
[3 replies] Last: What's the format of the file - provide a sample using output delimite... (by seeplus)
by Shawske
Recursion problem
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int search(int const* xs, int sz, int x) { ret... (by mbozzi)
by Mathavan
Objects Classification
[2 replies] Last: What is L10 supposed to do? What does ReadFile() return? The loop L23... (by seeplus)