Beginners - November 2018 (Page 5)

Issue with column alignment
I am working on a program for my class, and am having trouble getting the columns to print correctly. Here is my relevant code: #include <iostream> #inclu...
[2 replies] Last: This worked, thanks a ton!!! (by KLilith89)
If statement question and answers
What did I do wrong with this code, it only prints out the first cout no matter what you type in #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much, that makes a whole lot of sense and so much easier (by Programmingaddict)
Acquiring Last Column of CSV File
How do I only get the last column of my CSV file and add it to a 1D vector string, for instance the yes/no in to the 1D vector and ignoring the other double val...
[3 replies] Last: Hello jlouie6, Working with what you started with: std::string lin... (by Handy Andy)
How can I call a member data for a class from its cpp file ?
How can I call a member data for a class called Connection from, its cpp file Connection.cpp ? I would like to set the member data of hSocket and ServerAdd...
[1 reply] : if Init_Connection belongs to a class then you should scope it with th... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
Why is my output file blank?
Learning file handling from this code by experimenting and modifying it. It is running properly, but output file is currently empty after adding a few things. ...
[2 replies] Last: Yep, that was my mistake. Thank you very much. (by potatobastard)
about std::async launch::deferred
I have question about std::async launch::deferred does it launches the function with seperate thread and joins it as with launch::async ?
[1 reply] : I guess that it's up to the implementation to decide but I see no re... (by Peter87)
by Seiko
Can anyone convert Java to C++
import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class Main { public static void main(String args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(Syste...
[1 reply] : Try this: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <regex> us... (by Thomas1965)
Please help with my homework, having trouble with validating information
So I written this code for an assignment with some restrictions which also offered a template, but im having trouble with the validation. Specifically the void ...
[2 replies] Last: Here another possibility, which outsources the code to a function: in... (by nuderobmonkey)
Problem with printing strings
This doesn't work for some reason. I don't know why, i hope i can get help. It prints nothing this is just a snippet string input1 string output1 cin >...
[6 replies] Last: the bug came from my pain of trying to use chars instead of strings (by Ep1cM1n10n)
2 DIM Array issues
I am trying to write a code that inputs the temp. for two different cities. then outputs the city by name such as Boston and Denver as well as changes to output...
[2 replies] Last: this is a homework assignment I've been working on between jobs and cl... (by littlegiver)
sorting of linked list
I am trying to sort a linked list by being sneaky and only swap the data. I though this might be easier to implement, but I cannot manage to get it right. An...
[5 replies] Last: its very efficient, if the array is an array of pointers, and you writ... (by jonnin)
Implementing Doppler Effect in C++
Need to make a project and don't know where to start
[5 replies] Last: you need to get an audio library, figure out how the stereo part works... (by jonnin)
Tasks in C ++ sentences
1. Terminal cafe (waiter's workplace). Implement the following functionality: identification of the waiter, choice of table, choice of dishes and their quantity...
[3 replies] Last: Might be useful: (by Ganado)
Accessing private members
Hello! I would just like to ask what is the best way to access the private members of the base class? I understand that a derived class only inherits (and ha...
[8 replies] Last: Hello, thank you very much for your feedback. I agree that it will be ... (by rookie000)
Returning values by reference
Hello. I am currently learning about stacks in C++ and I was wondering why I was recommended to return values by reference, instead of returning a value by a st...
[2 replies] Last: Another, smaller, benefit is that it lets you change the value at the ... (by dhayden)
Please Help I don't what's wrong with my preorder for my vector
[3 replies] Last: preorder = preorder(tree->left, preorder); should be preorder = val... (by dhayden)
by Bopaki
Myi stack programs compiles OK! but when I enter the data it bombs out after I press the enter button
This is the message that I get from the build log: mingw32-g++.exe -Wall -fexceptions -g -c C:\Martin\Savitch\Unisa\Unisa\STACKS\StackFrame\Stack.cpp -o obj\D...
[2 replies] Last: Where are your definitions of the second constructor and stack::push()... (by lastchance)
How can I format this file?
I am currently working on an extra credit assignment for my CS014 class. I have the assignment finished, however, I have run into a bump while submitting. The i...
[5 replies] Last: Ok, it all makes sense now. I removed the main function long ago but I... (by netodude)
elements from one array to another
Hello guys! I am a bit confused! Can we transfer elements so that array 'a' has total elements 4,9,7,6,5,3,12,14,3,2 total 10 elements! but then we need a ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks mate! (by lost110)
Every pixel gets swapped twice. You swap the first pixel and the last pixel.... and at the end, you swap the last pixel and the first pixel. Edit: As LC says, ...
[6 replies] Last: Good detective work! Given the number of deleted posts in the last wee... (by lastchance)
November 2018 Pages: 1... 34567... 24
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