by Babsi
Need some help at Windows Window
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for help! (by Babsi)
c++ tictactoe help with validating and ending |
[5 replies] Last: Hello yoyotheyogurt, "gameOver" is private member variable of the cl... (by Handy Andy)
by seungyeon
how do i find the maximum of an list?
[3 replies] Last: is there another way? This being CPP there is (almost) always anot... (by gunnerfunner)
by P O O
Three entries and it stops working...
[1 reply] : Well, you have 2 breaks in your code, add several cout << "Test" state... (by SamuelAdams)
by cmonroenbm
cin not allowing output
[6 replies] Last: Hello cmonroenbm, I am not familiar with Dev C++, but the break I spe... (by Handy Andy)
by groppo91
Virtual Machines question?
[3 replies] Last: vms are nice when used for some things, as noted testing is a good one... (by jonnin)
by seungyeon
what is wrong with this?
[3 replies] Last: It must crash! #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <cstdl... (by Enoizat)
by precc1390
Difficulty with an AddressBook Sorted Linked List
[no replies]
by Raigiku
Finding exponents in equation
[3 replies] Last: They can be any positive numbers (with A>B). Just enter the values, se... (by lastchance)
by Faggio
Destructor in list
[2 replies] Last: thank you!! (by Faggio)
by seungyeon
can someone help me put prime numbers into an array
[3 replies] Last: OP: if you have to use C-style arrays as part of your assignment you'd... (by gunnerfunner)
by Shishykish
Operator Function within a class to subtract 2 dates
[3 replies] Last: Hello Enoizat! Thanks very much, I actually tried that, but must've m... (by Shishykish)
by JorgeChemE
Need help with structures, calculate perimeter of 3 given points
[12 replies] Last: I have the solution with the code I have been working (sorry to say th... (by JorgeChemE)
by JLBorges
Positive/Negative and Even/Odd in a Single Program?
[2 replies] Last: Is this question about how to display if a number is positive or negat... (by Enoizat)
by Faggio
pointer to a class and arrow
[1 reply] : newPtr points to an object. The nextPtr of that object is set to point... (by Peter87)
by insane xd
[8 replies] Last: A so don't use namespaces in header files. It does make sense. I just ... (by Caruso)
by Kimeru
Looping through arguments
[1 reply] : Something along these lines perhaps (this uses std::experimental::file... (by JLBorges)
by david666
C++ doubly linked list problem
[4 replies] Last: Please post the complete error message, all of them, exactly as they ... (by david666)
by seungyeon
how do i make a binary file?
[1 reply] : std::ofstream( "my_binary_file.bin", std::ios::binary ) << "Hello w... (by JLBorges)
by darlener777
First Names Project
[2 replies] Last: @SamuelAdams Thank you so much ! It worked for me. Now I can see where... (by darlener777)