Beginners - May 2017 (Page 6)

***Condition A Sep***
Team, I have successfully used the below. However I would like my program to only see SEP as a TAB. IE an user takes a long row off of Excel, Libre Calc and ...
[1 reply] : Hello shycas2008, What you want is something like this: #include <... (by Handy Andy)
Error finding data for vector children [Trees]
Okay, so I'm currently learning trees in class right now and decided to self-experiment with some code to kind of understand how trees work and are organized, b...
[5 replies] Last: Yes, all you need to do is to create all children nodes using new. f... (by Peter87)
c++ code writing
I have this program but don't know what to add so that it runs. I want to put f=10015. I tried to add #include<iostream> but not working. void f(int n,int m...
[2 replies] Last: Thank You Andy. I will remember it (by paula12)
Error C2062, C2065, C2086
Hi I need help, creating this c++ program Modular Programs, I keep getting on error in line 11 and 23 error C2062 float unexpected and line 42 , 43 undeclared i...
[16 replies] Last: Hello instinct. Your welcome, any time. Andy (by Handy Andy)
Modular Program Utilizing Arrays
Plan and code a modular program utilizing arrays. Use at least three functions to solve the problem. • Input numbers from a textfile. Input the numbers, one b...
[2 replies] Last: Hello instinct, I missed mentioning earlier that lines 11 and 12 appe... (by Handy Andy)
fscanf from text file problems
The error i get is "Exception thrown at 0x0F6CB5F2 (ucrtbased.dll) in Mineseeper.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0xCDCDCDCD" which as far as ...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you everything seems to be working perfectly know ^~^ (by gatinha123)
by maver
display int array as a 10x10 table
I have my code working except for formatting it to print the array as a 10x10 table I can't seem to figure out how to make it like that but I had been told tha...
[2 replies] Last: I think this is what you are asking? The trouble is that 0%N is 0. ... (by jonnin)
Stack overflow error when using a recursive Quicksort
I'm trying to implement a class that uses both recursive Quicksort to sort an array, and also a recursive binary search to find a value within that sorted array...
[13 replies] Last: Although you mention the base case for the quicksort in your comments... (by lastchance)
binary tree c++
The program compiles, but when I run it, it crashes when it tries to output what is wrong? //-------------------------- Node.h class Node { public:...
[4 replies] Last: To avoid memory leaks, make sure that everything you create using new ... (by Moschops)
Class name not declared in this scope.
I resolved the question I was going to ask as I was typing out my question, hopefully, it'll happen again! I'm creating a login system for practice, no encrypt...
[3 replies] Last: First: C++ is case sensitive. You have a class u sername , so you ca... (by coder777)
Initializing dynamic array pointer of Type T
How to initialize dynamic array pointer of Type T Example //How to initialize this Type *t = new Type Or how to set all to NULL...
[3 replies] Last: Yes. Pointers are value-initialized to null. (by Peter87)
by maver
open close locker problem
I keep getting the output I want up till pass 10 then I get the error bash: line 12: 22449 Segmentation fault $file.o $args not sure how to fix this prob...
[2 replies] Last: perfect wow cant believe I missed that helped me a lot thank you I spe... (by maver)
Trouble With Theater Ticket Arrays Program
Hi everyone, I'm having a bit of trouble finishing up this movie theater sales program. I've made it this far and I'm stuck on how to display my updated seat ma...
[5 replies] Last: Hello khovsepa, I hope I did not mislead you into completely changing... (by Handy Andy)
Music not playing through .exe
I'm learning how to put music into my programs and the music plays perfectly while running through CodeBlocks, but as soon as I run my program through .exe that...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you again for your help, and your insight. (by volTron)
Text based game, getting error C2227.
I am working on a text based game for a class project. I'm getting some error codes that i'm not sure how to fix. it is error code C2227. I will only put the re...
[1 reply] : The operand ... (by Peter87)
How do you download the tutorial as a pdf?
I used this site a while back while learning c++. I remember you could download the tutorial as a pdf. I'm not seeing any link to dl it though. a link to it wou...
[5 replies] Last: The PDF is an older version of the tutorials that contains no features... (by Peter87)
change ctime output
Team, Working with ctime - and the output is this. Www Mmm dd hh:mm:ss yyyy however - excel and libreoffice have difficulties identifying it as time - ...
[3 replies] Last: gunnerfunner - you are the MAN! Thanks again! (by shycas2008)
implicit conversions!
why the result is wrong ? unsigned int uival = 88; signed int ival = 55; unsigned short usval = 44; signed short sval = 55; signed long lval = 15; c...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks you so much ,Peter87. i understood now :) (by AhmedEl3agamy)
Run-Time Support
Bjarne Stroustrup mentions, "Except for the 'new', 'delete', 'typeid', 'dynamic_cast' and 'throw' operators, and the 'try'-block, individual C++ expressions and...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks, you guys. This makes sense. (by Aaron Vienneau)
does my code work as I wanted it to?
Hi! I'm new here.So I was messing around with making a user input array and I think I did. but I don't know what I did too.It's just that I confused myself wi...
[9 replies] Last: Ops! I didn’t mean I’m sure there’s already a -std=c++17 option ... (by Enoizat)
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