by Najam489
Transpose Of A Matrix
[2 replies] Last: If you work with a 1d structure instead of 2, and copy into a new des... (by jonnin)
by gabriela
Freeing memory exception
[2 replies] Last: i am trying to make a vector class for exercise purpose but i am havi... (by Cubbi)
by cristina999
C++ Car Class Project
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // car... (by longberns)
by jaxsmurph
Calling functions and looping menu
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for adding code tags. When I've move lines 71-72 and all the... (by AbstractionAnon)
total of days in previous month |
[2 replies] Last: thanks so much! I should have tried first, I always get == and = confu... (by alextexasfan12)
by schmiischmoo
Linked Lists Sorting with objects
[2 replies] Last: The output I thought I would get was: Simpson Holt Davidson Lawson Ng... (by jlb)
counting the number of leapyears |
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much for the help, sorry I forgot the include in statements. (by alextexasfan12)
by ImCristal
Two Dimensional Array with function
[1 reply] : Line 3: main() must be type int . Line 24: Why are you using puts... (by AbstractionAnon)
by itzjt90
Polygon Question. Deleting a polygon in FLTK
[4 replies] Last: Do you go to ccny ? (by itzjt90)
by Neman Nasawa
Functions: Void Functions
[1 reply] : Hello Neman Nasawa, I will say this in case you are not familiar with... (by Handy Andy)
by lisagimros
File problem!
[2 replies] Last: Duplicate (by TheIdeasMan)
by keh k lenge
Segmentation Fault. Need help
[2 replies] Last: Menu.cpp #include "Text.h" #include "Menu.h" #include <iostream> #... (by keh k lenge)
by Sentoo
Class Problem
[4 replies] Last: ... #include<vector> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> ... void pri... (by nuderobmonkey)
by RichardT
Alphabetize specific data
[1 reply] : By example: # include <iostream> # include <algorithm> # include <tup... (by mbozzi)
by passingBy
Starting Bioinformatics
[1 reply] : I would recommend artificial intelligence. (by SamuelAdams)
space days apart |
[6 replies] Last: I think I got it, I just used a series of if statements to determine t... (by alextexasfan12)
by ajibpaudel
Comparing an element with an array of numbers
[2 replies] Last: You can use a bool to store if the value was found. After the loop you... (by Thomas1965)
Can void functions return value ? |
[2 replies] Last: A function with a void return type may: a. not have a return statement... (by JLBorges)
by ImCristal
ATM Stimulation
[1 reply] : Hello ImCristal, Your instructions are a good palace to start, althou... (by Handy Andy)
by Ma92
getline function
[7 replies] Last: Thanks chervil it solves my problem . (by Ma92)