Beginners - May 2017 (Page 5)

Transpose Of A Matrix
Hi, I Am Making Program That Take Input From User For Matrix And Transpose Them But Its not Showing Output Of Transpose Please Check The Code And Describe It ...
[2 replies] Last: If you work with a 1d structure instead of 2, and copy into a new des... (by jonnin)
Freeing memory exception
Hello, i am trying to make a vector class for exercise purpose but i am having trouble with memory management. This is my Vector.cpp #include "Vector.h"...
[2 replies] Last: i am trying to make a vector class for exercise purpose but i am havi... (by Cubbi)
C++ Car Class Project
I have written my code for a challenge I found in a text book however I am having trouble getting it to compile. The assignment is as follows: Write a class ...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // car... (by longberns)
Calling functions and looping menu
Hey, everyone. Working on a pretty basic banking program for class. It's in the skeleton stage right now. But I'm having issues. I'm trying to call the, mostly ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for adding code tags. When I've move lines 71-72 and all the... (by AbstractionAnon)
total of days in previous month
So my following code is returning the number days in the current year, but if it's a leap year it's still returning the same number. Should I include yearNumber...
[2 replies] Last: thanks so much! I should have tried first, I always get == and = confu... (by alextexasfan12)
Linked Lists Sorting with objects
Hi guys, Right now I'm trying to make a program that has a linked list of objects, and can sort the list in ascending order based off the member variables of t...
[2 replies] Last: The output I thought I would get was: Simpson Holt Davidson Lawson Ng... (by jlb)
counting the number of leapyears
So I am working on a calendar project. I had a lot written out initially, but since I had a lot of errors, I decided to work on it piece by piece. My goal right...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much for the help, sorry I forgot the include in statements. (by alextexasfan12)
Two Dimensional Array with function
Write a program that uses two dimensional array to store the highest and lowest temperatures of each month of the year. The program should output the average hi...
[1 reply] : Line 3: main() must be type int . Line 24: Why are you using puts... (by AbstractionAnon)
Polygon Question. Deleting a polygon in FLTK
I basically took code from the textbook and modified it to give me n-sided polygon. However, when i loop. I need to delete the previous polygon so that the new...
[4 replies] Last: Do you go to ccny ? (by itzjt90)
Functions: Void Functions
I am studying a sample past exam paper prior to my exam and i got stuck in understanding this function question need explanation. i really cant type out the wh...
[1 reply] : Hello Neman Nasawa, I will say this in case you are not familiar with... (by Handy Andy)
File problem!
Hi! I need help with saving data into a text file. What I did won't work and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I just need the results to save into a separate ...
[2 replies] Last: Duplicate (by TheIdeasMan)
Segmentation Fault. Need help
$ g++ Text.cpp Menu.cpp -o menu $ ./menu segmentation fault (core dumped) I have no idea where I am trying to free pointer that has already been freed. Te...
[2 replies] Last: Menu.cpp #include "Text.h" #include "Menu.h" #include <iostream> #... (by keh k lenge)
by Sentoo
Class Problem
Hi there, I am current stuck on these problems with my current code. WARNING: My current code has 3 different files so it might get confusing. What I'm con...
[4 replies] Last: ... #include<vector> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> ... void pri... (by nuderobmonkey)
Alphabetize specific data
I'm new to C++ and I need advice as to how I go about doing this... I have a data file with the following format. FIRSTNAME CLASTNAME INTVALUE INTVALUE FIRSTNA...
[1 reply] : By example: # include <iostream> # include <algorithm> # include <tup... (by mbozzi)
Starting Bioinformatics
Hello everyone. I have recently just taken interest in a career in computer science more specifically I want to get into Bioinformatics. I really find the idea ...
[1 reply] : I would recommend artificial intelligence. (by SamuelAdams)
space days apart
Hello I have a problem that I am trying to work on. I am supposed to get the input of offset and number of days in the given month from the user. I have the fol...
[6 replies] Last: I think I got it, I just used a series of if statements to determine t... (by alextexasfan12)
Comparing an element with an array of numbers
I want to write a code wherein I have to compare a number with all the elements of an array. The number can be equal to only one element of an array or not equa...
[2 replies] Last: You can use a bool to store if the value was found. After the loop you... (by Thomas1965)
Can void functions return value ?
In c++ primer A return statement terminates the function that is currently executing and returns control to the point from which the function was called. ...
[2 replies] Last: A function with a void return type may: a. not have a return statement... (by JLBorges)
ATM Stimulation
Topics: Interractive Input-Process-Output, Conditional & Looping, Array and string, functions (Add, Edit, Delete) implementation for the transaction Flow a...
[1 reply] : Hello ImCristal, Your instructions are a good palace to start, althou... (by Handy Andy)
by Ma92
getline function
The programme is running but the getline function does not run and programme ends . programme exit without asking for input #include <iostream> #include<st...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks chervil it solves my problem . (by Ma92)
May 2017 Pages: 1... 34567... 24
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