Beginners - May 2012 (Page 8)

C++ Threads
There's someone in my class that was wondering how to make a thread, but he didn't want to create an account for this site and ask about it himself. Does anybo...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks everybody for all your help. (by GRex2595)
by ozone
need help in grading program
hello i am really confuse with this. i v tried to do my possible best but not working.i am a newbie in programming just trying to do ma first program. here is ...
[6 replies] Last: system("pause"); is a function that takes in a keypress to continue to... (by GRex2595)
i am having a lil bit of a hard time writing a program for a small calculator that takes as input one of the four arithmetic operations, the two arguments to th...
[1 reply] : Google up "C++ calculator". You'll get some code samples and one YouT... (by webJose)
Problem compiling multiple header files
Hello all, I am having a problem compiling my project, here's the rundown of what's going on. I have two classes, for simplicity let's call them Class A and Cl...
[3 replies] Last: yup. (by Disch)
by pnoid
Library source code
Is there a resource that shows the source code for the basic c++ libraries included with most compilers? I know what they do and how to implement them successfu...
[3 replies] Last: To understand how standard algorithms could be implemented, look at th... (by JLBorges)
by Ch1156
Class practice help
Ok im practicing using classes and i have 2 functions and i want to add one number in one function to another number in main, how do i do that? #include <...
[6 replies] Last: How would i do that? can you show me or at least give me a link to a s... (by Ch1156)
by Ch1156
Why isnt this working? (1,2)
This code isnt working, why is that? my compiler gives me one error. #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <random> #include <string> #inclu...
[32 replies] Last: its pretty much the same thing as saying: string hello; you are tryi... (by slider57)
GCC 4.7 for Linux (Ubuntu 11.10)
Hi Where can I download the GCC 4.7 compiler for Ubuntu 11.10? The last time I came here I got these recommended links which work for windows. But now I ...
[8 replies] Last: its ok I've managed to download it but now I'm seep into the install p... (by Blessman11)
Pull from arrays and output
Hello, I have been spinning wheels for hours now. I have a great foundation for my solution but I do not know how to enter in the language and then output from ...
[6 replies] Last: I have a working program. But for some reason I cannot exit properly. ... (by s13kcut)
Need Help with this program
I can't seem to understand what this program is asking for. Can someone who understands this please explain to me what am I suppose to do and help me out. Thank...
[1 reply] : It is not a program and it asks nothing.:) It is a description of some... (by vlad from moscow)
Problem With Math and the Number 181
I'm extremely new to any programming in general. After reading a little bit of the c++ tutorial I decided to make a program to try to test my understanding. I d...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for the explanation and advice. I'll be doing alot of revision. (by Evilmustard)
matrix functions.
i need help defining a matrix class for operator *= . i have already defined *, +, += and the other operator but i cant get *= right. class Matrix{ publ...
[6 replies] Last: Thnaks alot :) (by freak04)
Need to improve sqrt precision
For a problem I'm doing, my answer must be accurate to 10 -6 . Part of the program finds the square root of a number using sqrt() . The answer is not precis...
[11 replies] Last: What I mean is that there isn't a major problem with the solution. I d... (by georgep)
string to smaller char array
Hi guys, Have a very simple program here. The point is to start with a string which looks like a monetary value, then rip out all the digits, and put them in...
[7 replies] Last: Yes, that answers my question. Thanks a lot guys! (by toomanystars)
User-Defined Functions and Boolean Variables
Hey everyone, I am learning C++ and have been working on a program for a few days now that requires A LOT of techniques be used. So far, I have gotten my pr...
[11 replies] Last: Most welcome, glad to be able to help. All the best, NwN ... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
by kethgr
Extracting individual digits from a long number problem
Hi all, I'm trying to write a program that inputs an integer with multiple digits and outputs the number of odd, even, and zero digits in the original number. ...
[5 replies] Last: That's exactly what I was looking for! I guess I should have figured t... (by kethgr)
downcasting question
operator*= in DenseMatrix, can be completely removed, but in that case returned value will be a DenseVector& and manual downcasting to DenseMatrix& is needed. ...
[3 replies] Last: Okay, to get that to compile, you do need something similar to what yo... (by Cubbi)
Unexpected int decrement during For Loop
Hi there, I'm trying to make a simple script to split a delimited string, by checking each char in the input; if it is a '/' move to the next string in the arr...
[2 replies] Last: Gah! So simple .. I would've thought it'd throw an exception for refer... (by andrewkerr)
Problem with operator=
This is my code: void deleteEntry (Entry* fpBuffer, int &elemCount) { int deleteOption; cout<<"Which entry would you like to delete? (press 0 for main menu)...
[1 reply] : First of all, please indent your code. That means: add spaces, tabs, n... (by Catfish2)
payroll program problem
Well, I'm working on an assignment for class that will calculate and display the gross wages for a certain amount of employees. Now, what I'm having difficulty ...
[2 replies] Last: I can't believe I needed one single line of code to finish the program... (by dancerandydance)
May 2012 Pages: 1... 678910... 59
  Archived months: [apr2012] [jun2012]

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