by Beginners12
[11 replies] Last: Sounds like the meaning of "return type" has to be clarified. Read: ht... (by keskiverto)
by gevCplus
Question regarding return in a function
[4 replies] Last: Thank you seeplus! I couldn't understand the link between the number c... (by gevCplus)
by Atom1
Adapt Polynomial Regression to C++ DLL (1,2)
[22 replies] Last: I have built the project using your code, all it completed ok. One way... (by Atom1)
Prime numbers generater |
[5 replies] Last: Yes, that's true. I wonder what the difference in performance would be... (by thmm)
Matrix Addition Using Operators + and << |
[1 reply] : Looks like you accidentally double-posted, please delete your other th... (by Ganado)
by aardalde
Linked list new node at back (segmentation fault)
[1 reply] : You don't show constructors of Node. I presume implicit default constr... (by keskiverto)
by Ch1156
Can you set an initialization constructor and use another for loading values from file?
[2 replies] Last: Hi yes it is a class constructor, sorry for leaving that out. I could ... (by Ch1156)
by Evelynmkm27
This program is about weather statistics.
[6 replies] Last: Hello Evelynmkm27, Going over your revision it looks like you are goi... (by Handy Andy)
Integer inproperly initialized |
[9 replies] Last: Hello HypeCoderPanda, Sorry about that. I have no idea how I got fixe... (by Handy Andy)
by Mif
How to create a menu with the list of elements that are in a text file? "C"
[16 replies] Last: This is a simple C test program to show the use of GetProcAddress() in... (by seeplus)
by olegharput
Multiplication of elements of two array issue.
[2 replies] Last: int* array1 = new int; // array1 points to one int // The size of "... (by keskiverto)
Trouble trying to remove odd numbers from stack |
[2 replies] Last: A comment mentioned using the STL stack, so do you really need to im... (by FanOfThe49ers)
by pathofpain
Reducing fractions
[6 replies] Last: Ah. Well that is about useless :) Carry on! (by jonnin)
Time in c++? |
[1 reply] : you want threading and sleep_for (by jonnin)
by ccorkran
TicTacToe illegal moves and winner, array, functions
[5 replies] Last: I think I did it with a 1d array #include <iostream> using namespac... (by ccorkran)
by maple
Questions about the use of fstream::seekg
[5 replies] Last: @salem c, thanks a lot and I totally agree with your explanation. Ind... (by maple)
by gevCplus
Question for a bool function
[3 replies] Last: Excellent! Thank you guys! (by gevCplus)
by bstroe
Inserting the average into the matrix
[3 replies] Last: Thanks @lastchance !! (by bstroe)
by gvdg
Stream I / O
[7 replies] Last: Can you tell me how to save the data in a file as a structured table ... (by seeplus)
by BillyBJones
.txt array help
[7 replies] Last: @Andy, L33 - No, as you just previously incremented arrayCountIdx ! (by seeplus)