by jack micro
Convert Bar to PSI prssure
[5 replies] Last: Just multiply by the conversion factor. It should be only 1-2 machine ... (by dhayden)
by qtngmin
Using template to implement Singly Linked List
[9 replies] Last: I got a new message from my teacher. Other student have the same issue... (by qtngmin)
by NiceS
Replacing int type variable in text file
[5 replies] Last: You can read in the whole file into say a vector of some struct, modif... (by seeplus)
by ra99t
std::isspace in the exemple on the std::istream::sentry page
[2 replies] Last: Now it makes sense. Thank you dutch! (by ra99t)
by bstroe
Add character
[1 reply] : Try: #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <iostream> #include ... (by seeplus)
by jack micro
how to blink multiple led in c
[5 replies] Last: ok thanks. i will try (by jack micro)
Graph problem |
[10 replies] Last: Never mind, I figure it out. (by NormalUser1234)
by dandy04
Need Help with School Coding Question
[7 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <ve... (by lastchance)
by panconcafe
Skipping blank lines
[3 replies] Last: Thank u! it worked (by panconcafe)
by KittyIchigo1
Help Understanding this code sample
[5 replies] Last: Nevermind, I've figured it has to do with the ?: operator. Th... (by KittyIchigo1)
by NiceS
Trouble reading text file data
[4 replies] Last: Use >> ws instead of .get() as .get() assumes only 1 white-space where... (by seeplus)
by bstroe
Turn uppercase to lowercase
[5 replies] Last: Flipping a C string's case using iterators, an algorithm, a lambda and... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by MaxGreen
abstract class
[2 replies] Last: @coder777, thanks, will try (by MaxGreen)
by domweng
Help with expected primary expression
[2 replies] Last: Consider: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> ... (by seeplus)
by drmario6532
BST overload assignment operator
[6 replies] Last: Assuming that the copy constructor and destructor work OK, then assign... (by seeplus)
by chipp
what's the difference between \r and \n?
[16 replies] Last: [quote=seeplus] For a background on ASCII, see https://en.wikipedia.or... (by chipp)
by ErikDz
'filesystem' is not a namespace-name
[9 replies] Last: @jlb, Yeah, I figured something like that. Guess I should start looki... (by JRManx)
by elsie
Error Message
[1 reply] : Hello elssie, Please post the complete program that you are using. It... (by Handy Andy)
by drmario6532
Not sure how to call a function with parameters in a function with no parameters
[1 reply] : You just call the helper from clear() with the root: clearTreeHelper(... (by dutch)
by domweng
% not usable on double options?
[1 reply] : Possibly But it re... (by dutch)