Beginners - March 2021 (Page 12)

Variable Help Question (1,2)
The main part of the program will call a single function three times, passing in no data, but the function will prompt the user to enter a patient’s weight. ...
[24 replies] Last: Thanks! That helped a lot! Now I know not to use the stuff that clang... (by JRManx)
Not respondig c++
After 5-10 mins of coding, code blocks is not responding. Can someone help me ? the only way I can solve this is just quitting the code blocks and restart aga...
[13 replies] Last: Thanks Furry Guy and Ganado, and yesterday I was able to get to the ht... (by rw53sg1)
Guys I have difficulty with this exercise would you give me a hand
Write a procedure that calculates the sum of the numbers returned by the call to a function which, given an integer, returns the nearest even number (the same n...
[4 replies] Last: Your program is a good start, ????????? (by seeplus)
confused in a returned reference
class date { int x,y,z; public: date(int a,int b, int c): x{a},y{b},z{c} {}; void show() { cout<<x<<en...
[1 reply] : Since you're assigning the return value of default_date() to an object... (by helios)
by thmm
Build targets in make file
I try to create a make file for different targets. I get the the followinfg warnings. makefile:15: warning: overriding recipe for target 'main.o' makefile:9: wa...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks @dutch, it's working now. (by thmm)
by gsrls
Trouble filling in Odd Numbers.
I'm having trouble filling in the odd numbers from a list. I can only use recursion to fill in those numbers (no loops). ListFirst is of type int (which gives m...
[1 reply] : What else is your ListView class capable of? > The output that im get... (by salem c)
C++ does not make an exe file
Hi I'm trying to make a simple c++ code for my assignment and It won't open CMD or make a txt file it just says checking for existence and asks if I want to bui...
[16 replies] Last: did you move it off the desktop? (by jonnin)
How can we access to private attributes in base or parent class from child class ? A class contains data and provides an interface through which data can be...
[5 replies] Last: THIS IS THE ERROR MESSAGE : ../src/child.cpp:32:15: error: binding re... (by FORK1)
Help Needed
Do you expect someone to do your work for you?
[no replies]
Lots of Memory Leaks?
Hello - I tried to run my Bufferlist test, but I got a segmentation fault. I used valgrind and I see where the leaks are, but I don't understand what I'm doin...
[5 replies] Last: I thought the loop itself was initializing it, since it's an array? S... (by Ganado)
What Is The Main Difference Between Float And Double Data Types?
Write your question here. Hello, Nowadays I am learning Data types in Cpp, and a little bit confused about the Data types, Apart from the memory size of both ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply I found this( (by neerajsati)
by JRManx
Weird default constructor (1,2)
I am trying to write a tic-tac-toe program using a class, and I got this example off a different internet forum, but it won't compile. Instead, it gives me this...
[22 replies] Last: @ doug4 , Thank you! You have opened my eyes. I guess I was kind of ... (by JRManx)
Do-While Loop help!
Hi everyone! So new to this, I might have started my assignment wrong. I'm not sure, basically i'm suppose to list 5 cars with different mpg's and suppose to...
[12 replies] Last: Hello miguelminaj, I have been going over your latest code and I do h... (by Handy Andy)
The sum of the submatrix
From the first line, read the numbers N and M from the keyboard. From the following N lines, read M natural numbers that represent the intensity of each pixel. ...
[7 replies] Last: [quote=swingby]You use files I'm not using files. You can change "in"... (by lastchance)
1. Check if the size of the vector is odd or even with the std::vector::size member function. 2. Since ...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah, I thought that looked odd. Or maybe the OP just deleted his pos... (by JRManx)
by JRManx
Strange vector definition
I was looking at some examples of vectors in my C++ textbook, and I came across this vector initialization: vector<string> names {"John", "Rick", "Charlie"}; ...
[2 replies] Last: *smh* Thank you @dutch. I keep forgetting about that. Welp, I should... (by JRManx)
Write your question here. Using pseudocode, write a program which employs the Selection Sort technique to sort an array called ‘elements’ of size 20. ...
[3 replies] Last: Well, here is a sample selection sort algorithm. This is a complete p... (by JRManx)
About getting input
There are 2 codes that I want to know the difference between them. I still cannot understand if swapping the getting input command is going to affect the code o...
[1 reply] : Yes, there is a subtle difference in behavior. Lets say the user inpu... (by Ganado)
try catch exception
Lads, I am trying to do HW in a specific way using the exception library. task: Considering that var. A, B, C will randomly receive values from 0-10, I have ...
[2 replies] Last: @coder777, thanks so much, I could identify the problem however couldn... (by MaxGreen)
D8016 error with VS 2019
I keep getting this error Error D8016 '/ZI' and '/clr' command-line options are incompatible I googled, and enabled what was requested , but it still keep...
[4 replies] Last: /Z7, / Zi , / ZI (Debug Information Format) | Microsoft Docs https://d... (by deleted account xyzzy)
March 2021 Pages: 1... 10111213
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