Beginners - June 2012 (Page 49)

Paid work-easy for you guys
never mind
[1 reply] : I'm almost certain you could get kicked off your course for this. And... (by Naureg)
VS2008 C++ "The system cannot find the file specified"
Running a usual #include <iostream> using namespace std; void main { cout << "hello world"; } Nothing in header files, resource files and nothing in Linker...
[3 replies] Last: Added brackets after main() and it now works, however I'm still havin... (by Catfish2)
by leeto
assingment operator overloading. Error Unhandled exception at 0x103157aa (msvcr100d.dll) in 1exColo...
There two Lines (class Line) each contain two points(class Point) and description (private data of class Line). I what to assign coordinate one Line to another,...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks I realized what was happening Should be Line Line::operator =... (by leeto)
HW help
Hi, Using a Dev C++ compiler and I've got a simple problem from a hw question. Below is my source code. "wc_mt = ceral_weight/metric_ton;" at this li...
[2 replies] Last: thanks man, will do next time (by ffox0510)
Merging files with opencv
Hello, I have taken two black and white images that are different sizes and merged them togather. The area that was not covered by either area is black. Is ther...
[3 replies] Last: to answer my own question in case anyone else is curious cvSet(dst,... (by Dan Feerst)
Maze game
#include <iostream> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int linput; int see( int path2); int moi(); int main() { srand ( time(NULL) ); ...
[1 reply] : See if you can remove the goto statement from your program, a simple g... (by georgewashere)
im tring to make vhd file and im having problems
hi im having trouble with this part>>>> = williamc; i cant figure out how to get it to take >>>> = "williamc"; i just started c++ been reading...
[6 replies] Last: hey all if i followed Virtual Hard Disk Image Format Specification fro... (by william427)
what's the problem
#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<sarveshfn.h> //includes fuction diff_time which difference two given time using namespace std; struct date { i...
[6 replies] Last: while(c2!=5) does not assign any value in c2 . You are confusing ... (by eypros)
From Beginner to Advanced
Hi everybody. Ive finished reading the basics book on C++ language. I know the syntax of loops, statements, templates, inheritance etc.. I have not writt...
[8 replies] Last: As for the original question, "real programmers" not just know the sy... (by Florian)
Inline Assembly
Hi. I have no knowledge when it comes to assembly and I currently don't have the time to learn about it. I was wondering if there was anyone out there that cou...
[1 reply] : http:/... (by Catfish2)
by Sintax
Variables of greater size?
I understand that the majority of variables will work for the job within their current restrictions. However, there may be the rare case that, say, an integer ...
[4 replies] Last: That should prove to be helpful as well. Thank you for the contributi... (by Sintax)
by A0x0
Help to send input to pc via android [c++]
Hello ! Well i want to develope small ap for my phone to send key input to my computer just a random key press lets say simulate key press "i". the thing ...
[2 replies] Last: you mean on pc is as server type application right ? [client /server ... (by A0x0)
by emlspy
Makefile questions.
Hey guys, just started making makefile and encountered a problem. I am supposed to read a text file, use them as arguments of another program and run it. I j...
[3 replies] Last: Hey, guys, can I ask like this question ; SUPPOSE that I have wrot in ... (by AldaBIG)
by klae
Prime Number Function?
Can someone help me Im stuck and ive waited until the last minute. Write and test a C++ program to perform the following sequence of events: Create an array ...
[10 replies] Last: The majority of prime number listing programs use the % operator for t... (by missione)
Quickselect vs Countingselect
Quickselect, based on quicksort, and counting select, based on counting sort. Each is capable of finding the kth smallest element in an unsorted/sorted list/...
[no replies]
Difference Between...
What is the difference between 0 and "0"? I don't even think there IS any. Such as, if we declare a variable's data to 0, it still works, as variables don't all...
[4 replies] Last: That's a constant integer. It's actually treated as a char by the l... (by Disch)
i want to learn 4 things in hacking come help me
Alright here are the 4 things one how to make a code 2 how to use/make a assembler 3 how to do reverse engineering and 4 how to hack game data exzample [RG...
[3 replies] Last: Hi there, Yes, I read it - however, gullible as I am, I usually try t... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
Game of Life Clone
Just for practice, I'm making a colone of Conway's Game of Life. At the start of the program I fill the window with 1024 cells like this: for (int i = 0;...
[6 replies] Last: I found the problem. Without going into to much detail, I found you ha... (by closed account 2NywAqkS)
Problem with entering data for variable
Hi, I'm having trouble entering data for a variable. What I'm trying to do is to make what the user enters, the data inside that variable. Link to the code: ...
[5 replies] Last: Hi there, You still haven't declared your child classes as actual chi... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
Do and While
Well. Here I am again. What I want is... Does the DO WHILE's 'WHILE' () execute at the end of every time a DO is executed? Or what? What I mean is does it check...
[2 replies] Last: Understood. Thanks! (by john924xps)
June 2012 Pages: 1... 4748495051
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