Beginners - July 2014 (Page 33)

Query Nvidia GPU Temperature
I have Googled to no avail. Does anyone have code for a function to return the nvidia gpu temperature in Linux?
[1 reply] : (by Yay295)
Can somone fix this
Ok, so I wanna make this block the site: v3rmillion. Its a virus.(I'm blocked 10 ways to Sunday, It is also crap) I got this off deh iternet but it has e...
[3 replies] Last: Do it in a batch script. For example, echo 127.0... (by helios)
Compound Interest rates problem.
Hi guys. Im having an issue with my compound interest rate program. I need Im study on the counting loops each day part. I want it to show the new intrest rate ...
[2 replies] Last: Yes thats exactly what I want but I'm stuck. What should I change/add.... (by Rashad2)
by TveryO
Basic Inheritance Class
Whats up guys , I have to design a a motorbike class today using inheritance from a vehicle class that i had previously designed. My goals are 1) to design a ...
[4 replies] Last: A good article on header files which you should read is this: http://w... (by TwilightSpectre)
No supposedly output shown
class Vehicle{ string manager; public: Vehicle(string manager) : manager(manager){} void setManager() {this->manager=manager;} st...
[2 replies] Last: Comment out line 21. What happens to your output? Why? How do lines... (by cire)
Homework Error
ok I am making a program that asks this Create a structure for a classroom. Make sure it includes the following: Room Number, Lecture Name, ...
[4 replies] Last: (by Maharaja)
Prime number check with very strange result
This program I wrote to determine if a number is prime has some very interesting behavior. I have checked dozens and dozens of numbers, all giving the correct o...
[11 replies] Last: 1.) I was trying to use the square root as a limit, but the modulo an... (by cire)
Cant find what I did wrong!
I'm doing a practice program I found online. It's titled "While( user == gullible )" If I enter the number 5 it w...
[5 replies] Last: You're welcome! I'm glad I could help! (by cplusone)
Ramdom Numbers Program
Is there any way to write a program that displays infinite random numbers ?
[18 replies] Last: @IceStorm It generates only a few numbers and a lot of repetitions :)... (by bigorenski)
Constructor Not Initializing Passed Values
Hello all, Long time reader, first time poster. I'm trying to create a black jack simulator with C++. I am creating a deck of cards where each card is a Card...
[3 replies] Last: This is where providing a compilable code sample rather than an arbitr... (by cire)
Function Placement and '}' Token Error.
Hello! I am still learning the basics of C++ and was trying to write this functions that returns the name of the month corresponding with the number the user in...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! The function worked perfectly! (by cplusone)
by mtboy
Help! Not understanding Data Structures Code Examples
I am a newbie in C++ and recently reading the coding examples online, then I found the followings: class graph { private:int n; int **a; int *r...
[7 replies] Last: So when and why do we use the pointer of the pointer?? A good examp... (by TheToaster)
Good reads for C+11 lambda functions and move semantics
Is there any good resources to read about C++ 11 lambda functions and move semantics feature? I went through Alex Allain's article, most of it ...
[2 replies] Last: Yes. Get "Professional C++ Second Edition", it covers many new featur... (by TheToaster)
i cant see any difference between these codes what really is the use of ampersand sign in function inside parameter? #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[6 replies] Last: There are two ways of passing something to a function. One is pass-by-... (by TheToaster)
Basic Calculator
Hello. I have recently made a basic calculator using the operators (+, -, *, /). I am looking for any suggestions or advice on how to improve/expand it and to h...
[14 replies] Last: No problem, you're welcome. I do understand that you won't be able to ... (by Chervil)
what is the error?
#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class personType{ public: void print() const; void setName(string first, string last); string ge...
[4 replies] Last: I don't think that the semicolon is allowed at the end of the initiali... (by keskiverto)
by Ganado
ifstream, best way to ignore part of each line
I'm currently dealing with file data that looks something like this: //list.txt w 56 x 38 y 98 z 22 33 44 55 Each line has a...
[4 replies] Last: Why "u"? I recommend a meaningful variable name so in the future when ... (by jlb)
How do you read 6 characters from a file at a time?
Hey guys, I'm writing from my fresh new account. I'm a beginner so please, excuse my ignorance. I would like to read 6 bytes at a time from a text file using if...
[7 replies] Last: You could also bypass the C-string and just use the extraction operato... (by jlb)
Program not pausing cin and cin.get() to Accept input.
Hello, developers. I wrote a C++ console application and encountered a problem. Only the first cin>> statement pauses to allow user to supply input. After that,...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks for your help, Softrix and Chervil. The program is now working... (by LusakaGuitarist)
Static member default argument
I got this code: class Screenet{ public: Screenet &clear(char = bkground); private: static const char bkground; }; One thing i dont understand ...
[3 replies] Last: It means that the default argument for the first parameter is 123. (by Peter87)
July 2014 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 43
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