Beginners - July 2012 (Page 9)

by mgbuhj
converting celsius to fahrenheit
I'm trying to read a number from a text file that is the degrees in Celsius, and then I'm supposed to calculate that number into the equivalent temperature in F...
[1 reply] : What does line 28 do? Edit: You might also want to assign c a value b... (by Volatile Pulse)
by mgbuhj
editing a nested loop
This is a nested loop program that I am trying to edit so that it only counts up to 10, but I don't know how to make it stop. I made it so that that the number...
[1 reply] : Your loop stops at 100 total, which would be 100 seconds. I'm not quit... (by Volatile Pulse)
by tatai
How to APPEND column in a text file
I have a txt file (1.txt) with one column. I want to add some data from other file (2.txt) to the second column of 1.txt. I am using ios::app, but the new data ...
[1 reply] : Simple answer, you cannot. A text file, any file to my knowledge, goes... (by ToniAz)
by Savale
if else
Hi here is a snippet of my my code, the issue I was having was that after the the first condition was satisfied and the code in that block executed, the program...
[2 replies] Last: Are you positive that it's actually going to the else if? If that code... (by Volatile Pulse)
nid help :(
I'm Trying to make a program that converts binary numbers to hexadecimal, and reverse using c++ 2006 yet out of ideas can someone give me some it doesnt have...
[1 reply] : It easiest to store the binary numbers as a c string so you easily ite... (by ToniAz)
Date Of Birth input problem
Hi. Im a begginer to c++ and im starting to explore it.. i know its a lot of time to learn it!! im starting a biodata program and i got the first step. damn ...
[1 reply] : So you want to extract the numbers between the slashes? If so, you ne... (by ToniAz)
How to read and write binary files? - Highscores
Hi, Just wondering how to implement a highscore feature into a small game using binary. I have done it with txt before but want to try binary. I have been to...
[2 replies] Last: About to say the same thing. If you're using member functions, you mi... (by Lowest0ne)
Best way to learn C++ Programming
Hello, I am thirteen years but began programming when I was eight. As of today and I am a professional LUA Programming and know a very small amount of C# but wo...
[2 replies] Last: C++ doesn't even update on a yearly basis so any book written in the l... (by IceThatJaw)
Is CodeBlocks being stupid or the code?
I build and run this and it says "EOF has not been declared" at line 19......... I typed the exact codes one by one. #include <iostream> using std::cout; ...
[2 replies] Last: Try while(std::cin>>grade) (by naraku9333)
Confused "for" Help!
I don't get how the output would be "Sum is 2550". Here's the code: #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; int main() { int s...
[5 replies] Last: As a general suggestion when debugging, if often helps to simplify the... (by rollie)
by kabuki
[6 replies] Last: Pass the arguments by reference: void validateNumbers(float& hours,fl... (by Lowest0ne)
Trying to get started with Allegro
So I realize that my grip of c++ is not nearly strong enough to create a game yet but I still want to have Allegro setup so I can diddle daddle with it so when ...
[9 replies] Last: Yes for SDL try as his are ... (by BHX)
by uhh
Need help with array assignment?
I don't even know if I am doing this correct. I am new to arrays so any help is appreciated. So far it is not reading anything from the file. Write a C++ progr...
[4 replies] Last: Ok, my initialize function do I check to see if it was ... (by uhh)
How did you learn C++
So i had a folder of over 50 files of notes.. My filesystem got corrupted and i lost everything, my fault because i didnt back them up. But how did you learn C+...
[4 replies] Last: Alpha version code is always prone to bugs. You must treat your code a... (by Nexius)
by uhh
Output is not correct. What is wrong with my code?
Write a C++ program that declares an array alpha that has 50 double components. Write a function that stores the square of the index for the first 25 components...
[2 replies] Last: Ok, I will look at it again. (by uhh)
Private member declared in other class
Hi, I'm programming my first big "class" in a c++ program (it deals with I/O stream) and I think I understood all the concepts of object, methods and attrib...
[7 replies] Last: You didn't provide the body of the destructor. Or it is in another fil... (by ne555)
C and C++ strings
Hi.I am reading a book on C++ and it says there are 2 ways to handle strings in C++.One is by using char arrays(C Style) and another by using the string library...
[8 replies] Last: So don't do this? strcat(&str , "oops"); Why not? std::string ... (by Cubbi)
Searching an array
Ok, this is a homework question but I am not asking for someone to write my program. I just need a little help. This program is giving the user 20 random number...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks everyone. Finally got it up and going. (by myrandapanda8)
How to add a true false boolean
I have this program and I need to add a Boolean field called AnswersValid initially this should be false, but after you plug in the various answers change it to...
[2 replies] Last: You should think about what would produce a valid/invalid answer. Per... (by Texan40)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 7891011... 54
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