Beginners - July 2012 (Page 10)

wind chill and heat index HELP PLEASE
guys i need to write a program to calculate wind chill or heat index. wind chill only applies when the temperature is less than or equal to 10degreeC. e heat i...
[4 replies] Last: From NOAA: Heat index formula based on multiple regression analysis: ... (by Texan40)
delete even value in node
Write a program to copy the content of array to a dynamic single linked list and write a function to delete every node has an even value in its data #inclu...
[2 replies] Last: Peter87 I'm confused too ^_6 what do you mean by initialize ? plz c... (by Bassam200)
Pointers in classes question
Can someone try to explain to me why the name variable inside this class has to be a pointer? I have wondered this for some time now and would like a simple exp...
[2 replies] Last: It's used to point to an array of characters - It's C's way of represe... (by closed account zb0S216C)
Trouble formatting an output
Below is a part of a program that outputs sum, average, smallest amount and largest amount. I have trouble aligning the output into a column, please advise sugg...
[3 replies] Last: You can tab your output with "\t". For example: cout << " The sum is... (by closed account j2NvC542)
How to convert double to hex
Hey, I am working on this project where I neeed to convert a double variable to a hex variable. I have searched on line and haven't got anything. Any help will...
[3 replies] Last: Only integer numbers can be represented as hex AFAIK Anything can be... (by Lowest0ne)
Netbeans #include gtk/gtk.h problem
Hello. I am new to Linux and c++, actually before i have been programming a lot of VBA. Actually I have C experience, however, most C Programmers know that ...
[3 replies] Last: Besides another question: where can I access this PKG_CONFIG_PATH envi... (by albertohesse)
Objects and Data Structures
I've got a general question. When is it better to use multiple objects of a custom class as opposed to custom data structures? I have been going with the rule o...
[1 reply] : What's the difference between a custom class and a custom data structu... (by Moschops)
Best books for Beginners
Hi there, Im new to the forum and have previously done JAVA but am learning C++ now, which books are the most beneficial? Ta!
[4 replies] Last: many thanks for your help :) i will start looking at some of the tuto... (by Cplusnovice)
Help on Output results
I need help on debugging my code for the third USACO problem. my code is #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> usin...
[19 replies] Last: Hi. I believe i sent you a pm. please help! (by regiice9)
For-loop breaks down after approx. 500 iterations
Hi, I'm new to using C++ and need help resolving some issues. I'm trying to use the Runge-Kutta method to solve some differential equations. I want to gat...
[4 replies] Last: Well, that was the right thing to do! Thanks a lot. I tried 1000 and ... (by Nullahnung)
by abaz01
creating a vector of strings
hi all, im trying to write this program that creates a vector of strings where the strings are determined by a letter of the user's choosing. #include<ios...
[6 replies] Last: PS: could also use regex to make it easier to deal with the last word:... (by Cubbi)
Hi I am amateur in c++ builder and i have questions. -how work abort() this is function that communicate with winapi? -how work function locale() ...
[5 replies] Last: ok thank you (by Damian666)
Adding Values in an Array
I'm currently having problems with this program. The program is to take data the sales records from a file and add them together if the sales are from the same ...
[1 reply] : Well, if you want to sum up the numbers, you have to use operator+ som... (by KRAkatau)
Get a letter from an array of string ?
Hi all, I have an array of string like string a When I want to get the second letter of the first string, I tried sth like: a ; Bu...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, I guess the problem is in other part :-<. (by teaflavor)
Why am I getting negative doubles?
I'm doing a physics exercise to calculate how long it would take a sled to get to the bottom of a hill. I'm getting mostly negative numbers in my output line. F...
[1 reply] : sin works in radians. sin 50 is about -0.26. (by Moschops)
a curious question about variables in functions
Hi everyone, I have a question about variable declaration in the parameter of functions. I have noticed that in many codes of experienced programmers, th...
[7 replies] Last: Wow! Thank you so much for your detailed response. I completely ... (by RastaWolf)
Problem to compiling C++ prj
Hello I'm new to C++ and i just started with Intel C++ on .net 2003. I have used C symbol in C++ and according to this ref :
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for replay I have found the mentioned function in Microsoft C "... (by lashboys)
function help
'isEven' : must return a value is the error I am getting. I dont understand because it is returning a value? #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using n...
[3 replies] Last: void isEven( int x ) { if (( x % 2) == 0 ) cout << "Even"... (by HiteshVaghani1)
A Pause Function Dealing with Floating Point?
Hi everyone! I'm writting a simple program which prints something at a fixed interval of time. Say, “|” every second for 10 seconds. The way I figured do...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Nexius! It worked great. I'll post more questions if I stumb... (by David Tsu)
Bool Question
Hi Everyone. I have a question regarding Boolean logic. I understand that even numbers are determined by not having a remainder, and odd numbers are determ...
[13 replies] Last: Yes. The two if() statements yield the same result. (by Nexius)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 89101112... 54
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