Trying to get started with Allegro

So I realize that my grip of c++ is not nearly strong enough to create a game yet but I still want to have Allegro setup so I can diddle daddle with it so when the time comes to make a game I will be familiar with Allegro's syntax. My questions is how to setup Allegro? I have seen many tuts on how to setup Allegro w/codeblocks but all of them have little nuances that have me boggled. Anybody out there have success setting up Allegro? Appreciate any help!
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Have you tried this video series?

If you are still having trouble with Allegro, might I suggest SDL? They are very similar, but Allegro is slightly easier to get started with, whilst SDL can be used with OpenGL and is quite a lot like SFML.
Thanks georgep. Will check it out now as I am still having trouble. Is it easier to link libraries with sdl?...and yes I have seen most of Lusika's tuts.
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For C++ AntiRTFM is good
For Allegro 4 and 5/SFML/XNA you could try
Oh damn. OK. I'm sorry but you're only option is to read and re-read the readme files for cmake and for your system. I only have experience installing on mac.
lemme see if I remember: You need GCC and supporting library: MFC, etc (full list in the readme). You only need the high-precision libraries. (And their dependencies) Then you need CMake 2.8.8. You might be able to skip some of this if you can install XCode. I had to get my copy from a vendor in the back alley of a chinese restaurant on account that the version I needed was no longer supported.

Basically if you thought you could do this without learning a bit about the command line you're wrong.

Thanks. I've have an API working...SDL. It's easy but it is a lot of syntax to do some of the simplest things compared to just regular c++. I guess I have to get used to remembering more syntax working with API libraries. If any of you have ever used both SDL and Allegro, could you speak to one being better than the other? Thanks again! @ dancks...what would I have to know about the command line? Are you referring to building the libraries for an IDE?
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Have you tried using Code::Blocks? There's (what I will refer to as) a predictive text for functions, so typing in 'SDL' will display a list of SDL functions. It also makes typing long function names easy eg. 'SDL_INIT...' will list SDL_INIT_TIMER, SDL_INIT_AUDIO, SDL_INIT_VIDEO, SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING etc.
@georgep. Yeah I'm currently using does make life easier. I've been doing a little research and just want to weigh the pros and cons of Allegro/SDL before I fully commit to either
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I am studying alot of SDL. I can only say that i like it very very much!

Try lazyfoo's tutorial. They are very step by step.

Wish you best luck!
Yes for SDL try as his are the best I've found too.
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