by avnitoto
How to write to a txt file
[12 replies] Last: Thank You Very Much Thats it (by avnitoto)
by usmannazir
Code not working
[2 replies] Last: Thanks dear I got the reply. (by usmannazir)
by lambboy
How to find average of multiple rows within a text file.
[2 replies] Last: ... std::vector<double> v_averages; // instantiates an empty vector... (by nuderobmonkey)
by kingjames05
error: variable or field ‘print_array’ declared void
[2 replies] Last: its ok i fiugred it out.....I learned alot about arguments that i didi... (by kingjames05)
How to check and find next aligned 32 byte address? |
[4 replies] Last: uint16_t getAddr(uint16_t addr) { uint16_t answer; const uint... (by mzimmers)
_mm256_cmpgt_epu8_mask link error |
[1 reply] : (by CakeByTheOcean)
by Alex009988
What's wrong with the cicle
[7 replies] Last: There is a warning when compiling the program: warning C4566: charac... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by al bama cpp
How to show output NOT in scientific notation
[1 reply] : Hello al bama cpp, By putting a green check on your post you are tell... (by Handy Andy)
by nicolas9511
Need a simple program code review please
[4 replies] Last: I havent learned about array yet. When you learn about C-style strin... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by garza07
tic tac toe
[3 replies] Last: so i added the win and instead of loop i did it manual but i cant get ... (by garza07)
_mm256_load_si256: How to achieve data alignment? |
[2 replies] Last: alignas(32) uint8_t array[1 << 8]; std::cout << "data ... (by CakeByTheOcean)
Can anyone explains this to me ? |
[3 replies] Last: it is often faster in high performance code to have a little static ar... (by jonnin)
2d vector problem
[1 reply] : I have to reverse the size of it first You have to do ... what? "It... (by lastchance)
by White Crime
sort 2d array colomun elements
[4 replies] Last: @nuderobmonkey I didn't post those links so that OP could copy and pas... (by H00G0)
Compile time array generation as global value (1,2) |
[20 replies] Last: Does execution not start until the entire program is loaded in (probab... (by Grime)
by Robin53
Change value for card
[2 replies] Last: but the dealer will go bust if i do that. I need 1 ace to be 11 and th... (by Robin53)
Why the second version didn't work ? |
[6 replies] Last: Thank you very much ,You and Ganado ^_^ (by MohammadAlshareef)
by Alex009988
Vector's problem
[8 replies] Last: Thank you. I want to loop my program and use this code setlocale(LC_... (by Alex009988)
Compile time function for array generating |
[10 replies] Last: I guess you edited your question while I was writing: Can you make co... (by mbozzi)
by jmpt
Issues with encription
[2 replies] Last: Do everyone a favour and rip out all this code. gotoXY(20,7); cout... (by salem c)